Missing Transactions, Santander

EmotionalHealthLtdEmotionalHealthLtd Member Posts: 9

For 10 days my Santander Business Banking has not been updating in Wave. My credentials had not changed and I was able to login to the bank site. Today I re-entered my credentials into Wave for a third time and it did update but did not import the 19 transactions. Will transactions update from now on? Do I need to manually enter the missing transactions?


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @EmotionalHealthLtd. From time to time, our data provider (Yodlee) and banks lose connection based on different security API systems that banks implement to prevent 3rd party access to accounts. With that being said, there may have been a brief moment where our data provider and your bank were out of sync, hence no longer importing the transactions. At this point, I'm hopeful that your bank connection is working as expected and currently importing transactions. For the transactions that were missed, you will need to make sure they are manually entered into Wave.

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