Dashboard Profit & Loss showing no activity on certain months as well as reconciliation errors

JamesJames Member Posts: 10

Update:- 04/11/18 Wave Customer Support has looked into this for me and has resolved my issue. Not sure exactly what the problem was. But looks like it was a bug in the system. Thanks to the community members for your help and comments.


Orignal Post <<<<

Hi all,
Not sure whats happening with my account. When looking at the profit & loss within the dashboard page. April, May, June & July show no activity.
Also the same months are showing errors / variances within the reconciliation. I have drilled down through both my bank statements and the transactions listed within Wave, but can not see any errors. Is this a known Bug or am I just lucky! I primarily use chrome as my browser. But after clearing cache and using another browser all is the same.
Any assistance would be gratefully received.

edited November 7, 2018 in Technical Support


  • KarlaGKarlaG Member Posts: 1

    I am also experiencing reconciliation errors for my Checking Account in previous months, starting with Aug 2015. Yet I have contemporaneously balanced my accounts each and every month since then. I have looked at every transaction and can't find any errors, yet it still won't reconcile. Could there possibly be some new glitch in the system? Thanks for any feedback or assistance.

  • JamesJames Member Posts: 10

    Hi Karl, Thanks for letting me know you're having similar issues.

  • LaudikaALaudikaA Member Posts: 2


    Dashboard page, is missing nearly 2 months of data (my entire accounting data) and this current month as well. This has been happening for 2 weeks now.

    When I go to the Sales page all my Sales invoices and likewise Purchases, all my bills can bee seen.

    I have tried clearing cache within chrome as well as using an alternative computer just in case its a software conflict. but cant resolve.

    Rather worried. Very worried


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