
Accounts Payable - Income Statement Posting

OINC_Catering01OINC_Catering01 Member Posts: 2

Hi there.

When wave posts a bill, each line item is posted to the respective income statement accounts, which is correct, however; is it possible for wave to post the description on the line item, rather than the Bill number to the income statement accounts?

I.e. If you create bill INV00123 for XE Construction for 2 bags of cement.

On your liability (Accounts payable) it will post the following
"Bill INV00123 for XE Construction"

On your income statement expense account Cost of Sales it should post:

"Cement from XE Construction on bill number INV00123"
instead of
"Expense - Bill no. INV00123"

Please help if anyone knows of some kind of override for this, because it's quite difficult to report on expense accounts, if you're not too sure what the expense is for, given that the system only posts the bill number and not the expense description as entered on each line on the bill.

Thanks plenty!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @OINC_Catering01.

    Unfortunately, there's currently no way to change that formatting within Wave. Your best bet would be to modify you categories to make it as obvious as possible.

    If you'd like bring it up as a feature request, you can do so here, under Wave Features. If you do, make sure you follow the guidelines posted here.

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