
Service items - ordering and deletion

ER_ClaphamER_Clapham Member Posts: 1

Hi all,

I am wondering if there is a way to reorder the memory of services/items in the drop down menu when you create a new invoice? I found the Products&Services tab under sales, which allows me to edit or delete previous services/items... but I cannot delete the now irrelevant service/item without editing old invoices and removing this item/service (I don't want to mess with previous invoices as they were correct at the time and I want to keep them as is for records sake). I'm hoping to just edit the order of the drop down so at least the ones I now use frequently are at the top of the list? any ideas?

thanks in advance for any advice. How great is Wave!! :smiley:



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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @ER_Clapham ! As of right now, there isn't much of a flashy/easy way to edit the product item list from the drop down as it lists in alphabetical order. With that said, if you are looking to adjust the drop down for products & services that no longer exist, you can simply put the letter Z in the front of their name so they're moved to the bottom of the list.

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