Dashboard reflects more than I earn

PierrotttPierrottt Member Posts: 2

This could be due to me connecting my bank account numbers to Wave (maybe this was a mistake) because the erroneous reporting only started then.
The app has also started assigning expenditure automatically...
Could someone please restore it to the way it used to work?


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Pierrottt!

    The second problem sounds like it is related to our new auto-categorization feature. Unfortunately, there is no “off-button” for our auto-categorization feature. However, you are still able to re-categorize any transactions that are incorrectly categorized or are left uncategorized by Wave due to lack of transaction detail. This wouldn’t be too different than if Wave didn’t automatically categorize your transactions, since you would have to manually categorize them yourself anyways. Once you re-categorize something, Wave will learn more about how to correctly categorize this type of transaction moving forward!

    Wave can save you time now by automatically categorizing your transactions for you. Helping Wave get better at that will save you even more time in the future.

    You can learn more about auto-categorization in our Help Center article here: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001301666-All-about-automatically-categorizing-transactions

    In terms of the your reports showing up incorrectly, could you DM me the email you use to log into Wave? This sounds like something we will need to troubleshoot, and to protect your privacy and account security I can open up a ticket with you so we diagnose and get this solved directly.

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