
Automatic detect of transfers not working

rob6179rob6179 Member Posts: 3

Until recently (the last month or so) automatic matching of bank transfers as described in Transfers Transformed has always worked for me when both sides of the transfer are imported. Recently this has changed and now despite both sides of the transfer being imported they will not detect each other and I have to manually select the account which results in two created transfers. I have found that if you then delete these created transfers and try again they will auto detect. This is becoming a lengthy process to create, delete and reallocate. Is there a work around or bug fix that can get these to auto detect in the first attempt?


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    gaggazgaggaz Member Posts: 4

    Hi, I agree. Since the upgrade it seems that what used to work... isn't anymore.
    Mine do not auto match, I cannot change the category that was auto allocated the to the transfer to a "Transfer from " - it only has refund for XX, refund for XY..
    Please wave contact us to resolve this bug!

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hi @rob6179. When you you delete and recreate the transfers, do you backdate the created transfer? Or match the dates? I'm wondering if the auto-detection failing has something to do with the dates and it's failure to match the two. I'm going to follow up in a DM so that we can take a closer look at your account!

    @gaggaz I think this may be a separate issue. To confirm, is the 'refund for XX' pulled in by a Credit Card? It sounds like it may be assigning the pulled payment of a credit card as income rather than a payment you've made. You should instead be able to mark the initial transaction (in this case, the debiting of whatever account is going to pay the credit card) as a Transfer to, which should remedy the issue!

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    gaggazgaggaz Member Posts: 4

    Yes the Refund for XX is for both the credit card and my other saving account - so the money thats going into them.
    The others is the money leaving my main account. See pic (1.png). So their is no auto match. it used to work.

    Now to your manual process solution. I can't select its a transfer to from those in highlight.. which makes sense - but the others I can. If i do so, it will ask to which account to "create a transaction" and it will make another one - there isn't a time to select the matching one to save. ( see pic man trans 1,2,3)

    I hope i just helped find a bug.. @Samd

    edited November 23, 2018
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    AngelaHAngelaH Member Posts: 3

    I have this issue too, since the upgrade. When Wave imports transactions from my bank, it gets 2 transactions: the payment out of my checking account to the credit card account, and the payment into the credit card. These used to get matched automatically, but are not anymore.
    They don't get matched when the transfer dates are the same either, it's not just when they are different.
    I can't figure out how to match them manually, or to categorize them--whatever I try just creates a new transaction, "Created Transfer". Please help!

    edited November 26, 2018
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    gaggazgaggaz Member Posts: 4

    @AngelaH said:
    I have this issue too, since the upgrade. ..

    I agree, any word please Wave, if this is bug logged and being looked into.. @Samd

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    rob6179rob6179 Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Samd, I am not changing the dates at all. I will attach some screenshots. Seems this is affecting multiple people. I am looking at a simple $25 transaction with to and from on the same day. This is reflective of ALL my internal transfers of recent times
    The screen shot show:
    1. The complementary transfers
    2. When matching the corresponding transfer does not show for receiving transfer
    3. When matching the corresponding transfer does not show for outgoing transfer
    4. The created transfers
    5. Deleting the created transfers
    6. Now the transfers show for auto matching

    Let me know what you think.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @gaggaz. I just thought I would confirm with you (in regards to the created transaction) -- the final product shows the category as a refund for cash withdrawal/transfer .. this should be left alone and our system should automatically pick up on the fact that it's associated with the transfer already (then it can be merged). It would definitely be beneficial if I had collaborative access to your account to get a stronger idea as to what you are accounting for in this situation, so if you could send me a DM with your email/business name, I would be happy to further investigate.

    @AngelaH. One thing to keep in mind is that you can simply create a Journal Transaction for transfers -- this help centre article should give you a stronger idea on how to complete these types of transactions: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208621616-How-to-create-a-transfer-between-two-accounts-e-g-categorize-a-credit-card-payment-

    @rob6179. I know you are currently in a conversation with Sam regarding this as well, but if you could please also send me a DM with your business name and email address, I would be happy to take a look/see why when you delete a transfer it create's a duplicate.

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    AngelaHAngelaH Member Posts: 3

    @JamieD thanks for the advice, but it's not what I need: both accounts are connected to Wave, so I already have both sides of the transaction, the From and the To. I'm trying to link them to one another.

    According to Transfers Transformed, "If you have both accounts connected to Wave, and both sides of the transfer have been imported, then the system will now automatically detect the other side of the transfer, and ask you if you’d like to link the transaction to the account containing the matching transaction. Select this and you're done!"

    As I said above, it used to work exactly this way, but since the big update happened (and your color scheme changed from green to blue), the transactions are no longer matching. This is regardless of whether the transaction dates are the same or different.

    How can we troubleshoot? Is this still working for everyone in the world except me, @gaggaz, and @rob6179?


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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AngelaH,

    I'm going to send you a follow up email so we can dig into this further; keep an eye on your inbox and we'll go from there!

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    AngelaHAngelaH Member Posts: 3

    I figured it out myself: both the To and From accounts had the same payment account. When I fixed that, transactions started matching.

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    gaggazgaggaz Member Posts: 4

    Update to all - after many emails and long waits - Wave gave me an answer on the 21/02/2019 3-4 months after I first commented..

    In summary what happened: The upgrade did have some small issues in the Bank accounts were not all under 'Bank account category and some auto categorization failed to get it right, making future categorization go wrong by default.

    In summary fix: I would have had to fix all the incorrect matches, delete duplicates it makes.. in hope after all that it will do it right my default automatically. I couldn't fix the Bank accounts that were put by mistake put into Non bank account area during the upgrade, I wonder if Wave could fix it in the backend..

    BUT I had to prod, email and prove things - so to get direct answer and not generic ones. what they said in my email to me in the end "We are looking toward the future in improving auto-categorization and your specific case has brought attention to some major pain points in terms of migration, and transactions not being correctly categorized when moved over."

    I know its a free service, I am still going to use Wave in future but I had to move almost a small hill.. but I hope my experience will make things better for all.

    edited March 1, 2019
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @gaggaz . Thanks for being patient on these back and forth responses with our Support Team. This kind of insight from our users really does shine a light on where we need to be making improvements so that we can better Wave.

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    rob6179rob6179 Member Posts: 3

    I managed to work out a solution for myself also as support did not respond to my inboxes. I agree it is due to incorrect automatic categorization of incoming bank transactions. I have found the easiest way for me is to change one side of the transaction to uncategorized and then the other will match without creating any additional transfer transactions. It does not seem to learn categorizations based on your previous selections for recurring transaction types. Overall though it is a good platform that I will continue to use.

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    crawley7crawley7 Member Posts: 8

    with the new update has come issues with the transfers ,i find i am going around and and around having to re do what i have transferred ,now one of my bank accounts is not showing as an option to transfer to although its listed in the accounts in transactions and to reconcile,am i alone?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @crawley7 , can you send me a screenshot of the account in your Chart of Accounts that you're trying to create a transfer to?

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    KPeakeKPeake Member Posts: 2

    Mine was doing the same - not finding the match to the transfer. Then I noticed that the transfers came in wrong. The transfer going out of account #1 was listed as a deposit and the transfer coming into account #2 was listed as a deposit also, so clearly it could not match these two. Once I went through and fixed the deposit/withdrawal on each side of the transaction, then it could find the match. But that is concerning to me that it could not detect which was a withdrawal and which was a deposit. :-(

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