
Emailing receipts to 2 different companies

PropagandeurPropagandeur Member Posts: 2

Hi guys,

Hoping someone can help me out here. I have 2 companies set up within Wave under a single login. Right now, if I email a receipt to receipts@waveapps.com, it defaults to one of the companies, is there any way to email receipts to the 2nd company? I could use another email? Or is there some other way to do this?

Thanks in advance!


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Propagandeur ! If you have two separate businesses in Wave, the email that you attach your receipts to will always be associated with the primary business in Wave. In order to change your primary business, you will need to make sure you select the star symbol next to the business name under Manage Your Profile > Businesses. Please take a look at this help centre article here for more information: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208622136-How-to-email-your-receipts-to-your-Wave-account

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    PropagandeurPropagandeur Member Posts: 2

    Thanks Jamie, so basically it's one or the other right? There's no way to set up a way to channel the emailed receipts to either business, or by linking another email address to the 2nd business for example.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Propagandeur. That's correct, it will only be to the primary business in Wave. Since there can technically only be one primary email as well, there isn't an option to add a second primary email to a second business. You would need to create a separate account entirely for that business.

    edited December 14, 2020
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    Philip95Philip95 Member Posts: 18

    @Propagandeur, note that once the receipt is in Wave, you can move the it between businesses... something the admin should have pointed out (so, it's a simple workaround).

    @JamieD, but it would certainly make a lot of sense to allow directing of receipts to multiple businesses with an account. You could use subject line to determine where it should be sent, and if no match, default to primary business.

    However, looking at it more holistically, it would make more sense to have an email address per business (and then a primary email address for the account). As it stands now, receipts I send for one business uses the wrong email address for that business (confuses the customer). If you fixed this, then the send email address could be easily used for matching receipt to business.

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