
Payment Options


I apologise as I expect this has been discussed many times. What are the main tools and software I need in being to process payments. My Broadband provider can provide me with a payments system but tells me I need to be able to connect it to something like SagePay software as well.

If this something that Wave has in its offering and how does the whole process work and what tools do I need to sign up to?


  • Options
    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hi @AJTHEPA Wave does offer a payment processing platform built into the product. When you log-in to Wave, you can navigate to Sales > Payments to set this up. Once you have filled in your application, you will be able to receive online payments through invoices that are sent through Wave, and your customer will find the links on the invoices that were sent in order to pay them. You can find more information on our Payments product here: https://www.waveapps.com/payments

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