
Showing categories in reports

IngridIngrid Member Posts: 3

I need to show the categories that I have put expenses under in a report to send to my accountant - is there any way I can do this?


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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ingrid! Yep! You'd want to head to Reports > Account Transactions. Depending on the number of expenses you've setup, you may need to generate a few reports, but you can narrow down the timeframe, and then export as PDF to send over to your accountant.

    Also! If you or your accountant are interested, you could temporarily give them access as a viewing collaborator. You'd do this by adding their email via Settings > User Management. They wouldn't be able to see a lot of your more private data or change your settings, so this is a good substitute to reports sometimes if your accountant does their bookkeeping online.

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