
Specify external mail server/relay



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    lexicomnzlexicomnz Member Posts: 7

    @Sweetwater said:
    Is there any traction for this as a feature? I know Wave is free to use, but this is starting to negatively effect my business as more and more of my clients are not receiving my invoices, and are genuinely mortified to learn that they have invoices past 30 (or more) days overdue.

    Feedback on mail failures would be nice, but just the ability to send email via my own SMTp account would be all we need to get past this issue.

    I don't know what tech you are using to create Wave (nor should it matter) but there are SMTP libraries out there for everything these days. I write code like this all the time for my clients to send emails from their web applications.

    Note: Please don't ask us to whitelist the mailer@waveapps.com email address it's a completely impractical solution for the majority of us.

    Hi Sweetwater, unfortunately I think our requests have fallen on deaf ears.
    A lot of my invoices still end up in junk, but fortunately for me I'm able to log into a lot of my clients email accounts (as I manage the accounts often) and move them to the inbox. A completely absurd solution but it's the only thing I can do at the moment.

    I'm currently testing out ZipBooks as a replacement, and hoping to move at the end of the financial year. It looks like their $15 a month plan does everything Wave does? Would much rather pay a small amount for working software.

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    SweetwaterSweetwater Member Posts: 2

    Thanks lexicomnz - I felt this may be the answer. I am going to have to look at alternatives as I just can't do this any more. Following up with mortified clients who just never got my invoice is getting ridiculously tiresome. It's really too bad as I honestly really like Wave, and would be willing to pay for this feature.

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    icecorpicecorp Member Posts: 17

    I am compiling a list of alternatives (both free and paid) and will post them up here once I've completed testing and trials.

    Wave, take note, this is unacceptable. I'm sure I wasn't the first to bring this to light, but even if I was, this was now TWO YEARS AGO!!!! And still we have nothing more than "tell your clients to whitelist our address" as a solution. Which, quite frankly, is a joke.

    I can't fathom why your dev team would not implement such a simple feature. But either way, just know you are losing potential clients and not retaining clients as a direct result of this.

    A disgruntled (and soon-to-be ex) customer.

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    bennarteybennartey Member Posts: 2
    When uploading transactions, can you include a column for category so don’t have to do this when the upload is complete?
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sweetwater

    I apologize greatly about this however our team has no plans in the near future for allowing our users to change servers from which the invoice sends from.

    As you may have already read some of the workarounds, I would recommend downloading the invoice and sending it through your own email, or using the google/yahoo send feature which will auto attach a pdf to your email.

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    Vertex007Vertex007 Member Posts: 2

    The solution is for Wave is to copy what Mailchimp does, that is it really.

    Provide a domain verification function through DNS record tag, with DKIM and SPF settings, and this would fix everything.

    If DKIM and SPF pass, then DMARC will also pass and you should never have email deliverability problems again anywhere.

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    TravellingtechieTravellingtechie Member Posts: 1

    While using our own smtp server is a possible solution (with some issues) the real question is why are emails from mailer@waveapps.com servers being marked as spam? From an administrative point of view fixing that issue would likely resolve the reason for needing to use our own smtp servers.

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