
Change Account Email Owner

TiagoSLTiagoSL Member Posts: 1

Hello Wave Community!
I have two Wave accounts, each with a singe business and a different owner email address. I would like to "merge" the two accounts into one, so that they are both under the same owner email address. I read this support article but I am not sure if I can change the owner email address to an email address that's already an owner email address of another Wave account. Is that possible? Would I be able to do what I want (i.e. merge my two Wave accounts so that both businesses are under the same owner email address)?


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @TiagoSL I'm afraid that merging Wave accounts together is not possible because the primary owner email address cannot be used for more than one Wave account. What might be a helpful resolution is adding your other email address as a collaborator or editor This will then allow you to log-in to one account and still view the business within the same log-in.

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