
GST inclusive invoice

ausgayanausgayan Member Posts: 2

HI, Is it possible to create GST inclusive invoices with Wave? Here in Australia, the final price of the invoice is always tax inclusive.


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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ausgayan, our tax additions are controlled at the item level, rather than the full invoice. It would be possible to calculate the value of an item + GST as the item total in Sales > Products and Services, but you would then run into the issue of those taxes not showing on tax reports (as this workaround essentially eliminates that component of the price being marked as tax). This also is a more manual option that being able to set the total and then having tax calculated as percentage of the total. Great suggestion though, and great feedback in terms of how charges are usually invoice in Australia - I'm going to pass this onto our Product Team and hopefully it is something we will see implemented soon!

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    ausgayanausgayan Member Posts: 2
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    Craig_Reynolds1975Craig_Reynolds1975 Member Posts: 1

    Just to add my voice to this request, in New Zealand, this is also the way we invoice our end customers - unless we need to treat a particular item specially (for example financial services and some imports don't generally get taxed with GST) everything is GST inclusive.

    Typically every line item includes GST, and a line item is entered showing the total amount levied.

    It just confuses people when we don't include it like they expect.

    For business to business invoicing GST exclusive is the norm.

    Is there any progress on getting this on the roadmap?

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Craig_Reynolds1975. Still no timetable as to when a feature such as an inclusive tax will be available for our users, but once we have an idea as to what this will look like in Wave, or when this would be added to a future product roadmap, we will definitely let our user-base know.

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    lachrodgerslachrodgers Member Posts: 1

    +1 for inclusive tax. Everything else is mint tho

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    virgilwasherevirgilwashere Member Posts: 10

    @ausgayan said:
    HI, Is it possible to create GST inclusive invoices with Wave? Here in Australia, the final price of the invoice is always tax inclusive.

    Hi @ausgayan ,
    I know this isn't what you're specifically asking, but this post did help me setup Wave for GST invoicing.... even though I'm officially GST Free right now :grin:
    ➡️ https://avers.com.au/Bookkeeping/Blog/Free-Invoicing-ABN-GST-Wave-Accounting-Setup/

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    virgilwasherevirgilwashere Member Posts: 10

    @JamieD said:
    Hey @Craig_Reynolds1975. Still no timetable as to when a feature such as an inclusive tax will be available for our users, but once we have an idea as to what this will look like in Wave, or when this would be added to a future product roadmap, we will definitely let our user-base know.

    @JamieD ,

    • Can you tell us where it fits on the 📋 priority list?

    • :star::star::star::star::star::star::star:

    • Adding this feature :star: enables simplified GST Tax Invoicing for all :star: of 🌊Wave's 🇦🇺 and 🇳🇿 potential customer base.

    • Does that raise 📈 it's importance 💭 ?

    🖱️Click on the :heart:awesome button ⏬ if this sounds like a great idea to you too :+1:

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @virgilwashere . It's totally up to our Product team to determine whether or not this fits into the roadmap and because we don't currently have a timeline on it I wouldn't be able to tell you where it fits on the priority list.

    Every piece of information that we have as to why a feature should be added to the system raises the importance of the feature's implementation. We constantly ask for workflows and use cases from our business owners in the Community because the team is often in the threads looking at how this would both benefit and make Wave a better place for our users. With this being said, the more context we have on a feature request, the more its importance is raised.

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    virgilwasherevirgilwashere Member Posts: 10

    @alexlewiszarkos said:

    With this being said, the more context we have on a feature request, the more its importance is raised.

    Hi @alexlewiszarkos , I've read @Charlotte 's offical posting since I wrote that yesterday.

    I have a much better understanding of how and why you prioritise features etc.

    I would also offer you and your fellow 🥇Customer Support Heroes the following suggestion:

    • use a profile signature
    • include a link to @Charlotte 's post, or something similar in your signatures.
    • continue sharing the 🌊Wave :heart:

    And just looking at my own, I shall tone it down a bit. Sometimes 🌙 4 am decisions don't always turn out. :smiley: But I still enjoy creating content in Markdown.

    PS :astonished: why did it render that heart so large??? :open_mouth:

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    warwickwarwick Member Posts: 1

    This is a deal breaker in Australia. Please let me know when you can add an inclusive tax. Sad face......

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    GuysmoulderGuysmoulder Member Posts: 3

    Just wanted to add my voice that I'm in Canada. I work in mental health and most of us do inclusive tax to ease insurance reimbursements.
    I used to use Wave but had to stop two years ago because of the lack of inclusive HST (GST/VAT in other countries). I'll keep waiting as I'd like to return, as well as to support a Canadian company. I'll check back every year!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Guysmoulder

    Thanks so much for this regional update. As different countries reach out about their new tax regulations our team is certainly documenting and looking to improve our system for the status quo.

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    TTTTTT Member Posts: 9
    I agree that this is a deal breaker in new Zealand.
    I've been looking at stripe invoices as they have the option for including our excluding gst.
    Their invoicing system is nowhere near as good as waves but I need inclusive invoices 🤔
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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TTT! Thanks for your feedback on this! While we don't have an ETA on if or when this would happen, adding your voice helps to get this feature heard :)

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    DebbietealeDebbieteale Member Posts: 2

    Hi. I'll add my voice to this request too. I reside and do business in Australia, and we need tax inclusive invoices to comply with regulations. It is written, that all prices shall be invoiced as a tax inclusive amount, not exclusive. Thanks.

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    Jsc592Jsc592 Member Posts: 1

    Yeah, I’m in Australia as well and I’m starting off a small business. All invoices need to be GST inclusive, but where I also notice this being required is in the expenses section as well. At the moment it’s geared to apply the tax on top of the amounts entered. If I’m entering an invoice received from another company, then I need the ability to select whether the prices on the invoice are tax inclusive (ie. deduct GST from the total to get the amount), or tax exclusive (ie. add GST on top of the amounts). It’s fine for business to business transactions, but most places I am spending money deal with end consumers so issue invoices with amounts inclusive of GST. At the moment I can do it, but I have to manually calculate the price excluding GST so my totals match at the end - which is quite cumbersome.

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    herbieherbie Member Posts: 1

    +1 for inclusive tax. Australian business here as well....I think it's a deal breaker...

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    guynorthernexposureguynorthernexposure Member Posts: 1

    Sorry, just gave up on Wave for not having inclusive tax option based on EU (Finland) Inclusive tax option. Seems like you've been asked for quite some time.
    Maybe in the future if it comes available, since it seems very easy.

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    BelindaBelinda Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for the GST inclusive feature. A the moment if a person is paying for a number of the same items, I have to do each of the identical items on a new line, rather than altering the quantity in a single line. It looks messy, and is unfortunate - but at least it is a work around for this business who rarely have more than one item type to bill on a single invoice. Makes me want to go back to Xero though - I am also missing some of their reporting features.

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    VlassovVlassov Member Posts: 2

    I didn't even realise this would be an issue. Now that we need to start charging GST, after using Wave for many years, this is pretty bad. I really hope this gets added soon, especially when it's not just Australia that needs this feature. I don't want to leave WaveApps but looks like there is little choice right now.

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    JonathunJonathun Member Posts: 1

    Also Aus, GST Inclusive for invoices would make my life considerably easier.
    It's worth noting that GST when added to a transaction is Inclusive so I don't understand why it needs to be different for Invoicing.
    At the moment I am using Invoice2Go which allows you to specify either at Invoice level
    It would suit me if you could link the 2 programs like you can with Xero but if this problem can be resolved then I can take my invoicing over to Wave

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey folks, thank you all for your +1's on this feature idea. At this moment, still no update on whether this feature will be implemented. My apologies about this, but don't let that discourage you from adding your feedback.

    edited May 6, 2020
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    Danielak679Danielak679 Member Posts: 1

    Total deal breaker for me too, unfortunately. I'm from New Zealand and need to be able to have all my invoices inclusive of GST. Fingers crossed this feature is added in sometime soon.

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    DavidJBennettDavidJBennett Member Posts: 3

    Yes, I really need this feature too please!

    In Australia, we have a Goods and Services Tax, i.e GST which is an additional 10% of the sale item included in the final cost.

    Usually most products and services are actually inclusive of the GST. In Wave however, I have only been able to add the tax on top. Most invoices in AU show the line items with a GST 10% added at the bottom and then the total which is inclusive.

    Please advise when this is an available feature to all of your Australian and New Zealand user community as we greatly need it.

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    KyraKyra Member Posts: 3

    This is ridiculous.
    I need to set up an item that has a final selling price of $60.00
    There is no combination go figures that lets me get to this final price inclusive of GST.
    Apart from this everything else works perfect, but I have no option but to look for an alternative program if there is no fix VERY soon.
    Feedback or update would be appreciated,

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    KyraKyra Member Posts: 3

    @Barsin said:
    Hey folks, thank you all for your +1's on this feature idea. At this moment, still no update on whether this feature will be implemented. My apologies about this, but don't let that discourage you from adding your feedback.

    Still nothing eh?

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    VlassovVlassov Member Posts: 2

    @Barsin said:
    Hey folks, thank you all for your +1's on this feature idea. At this moment, still no update on whether this feature will be implemented. My apologies about this, but don't let that discourage you from adding your feedback.

    How many people need to ask for this to be added to the roadmap? Most generic accounting systems seem to have this feature by default. It's not required until you start paying GST and then you realise you've quickly outgrown Waveapps. Although this has a lot of great features, the TAX part adds so much extra time to work prices out that it's not worth using. Really hope you guys will take this in consideration and implement on the website. Cheers!

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    ArqArq Member Posts: 1

    A complete deal breaker for me. I'm in Australia and all my invoices are GST inclusive and have been since the GST came in 20 years ago !!!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    HI @Kyra , as it turns out there are no updates at the moment.

    @Vlassov thanks for taking the time to add your +1 to the conversation!

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