Bank reconciliation having troubles to capture the last day transaction

OpsninjaOpsninja Member Posts: 2

HI Wave community.

I have faced this earlier of the year but decided to not bother with it, thinking perhaps its a bug that would eventually be fixed, but right now it seems it's still happening.

It could be some setting I have that I messed up and I would like to know how to solve this.

My statement balance in Wave and my bank balance is off by the interest income made on the last day of the month, but I can't reconcile my bank statement because wave wouldn't' capture the last day of the month, hence showing that there is a difference in it.

I have attached 3 screenshot to show you. not ssure what setting do i need to do to capture that transaction on the last day.
the 3rd one is me having to manually change the date to show that with the date changed the transaction will show but i still can't reconcile it.
Hope someone can assist me in this matter :)



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