
Have to reset the Log-in password every day

michelhmichelh Member Posts: 3

When logging in, the user is told that the log in password or e-mail is incorrect. In spite of having put in the correct user name and password.

As a result: All users need to re-set the long-in password on a daily basis.

What do we need to do to for Wave to recognise the password that was set?


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    BrianBrian Member Posts: 6 admin

    Hey Michelh - I've heard of a few instances of this when people are sharing accounts, rather than using the collaborator functionality. In essence, every time you reset your password, you're resetting the single password on the account. Billy sets the password to "cat1234", Sally sets the password to "dog456", now Billy can't log in because he doesn't know the latest password. He then resets it and now Sally can't log in.

    Does this resonate with what you're experiencing? If so, I'd suggest trying out collaboration.

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    dcm84dcm84 Member Posts: 1

    This happens to me almost every time I try to log in as well. And I use collaboration not sharing an account.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @dcm84.

    I took a look, and I did notice that you didn't have a collaborator on any of your businesses but did have two email addresses attached to your account.

    Like Brian explained, that would make it so both emails would log in using the same password. if your partner changed their password, it would also change yours, and vice-versa.

    If you want to remove that secondary email and add your partner as a collaborator instead, check out the instructions outlined here.

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    michelhmichelh Member Posts: 3

    Yes this answered my question and is what happened. I did not realise the system worked this way. Now I do.

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