Downloading an electronic statement from your bank or credit card



  • DSCHOI0408_cnsDSCHOI0408_cns Member Posts: 3

    Hi there, I left several message to Wave Support Team but I didn't get any feedback until now.
    Is there any problem in your team or any reason?
    Please kindly check my request and give me your kind and prompt reply.
    My request is to connect the Credit Card Payments from my clients to my company bank account.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @DSCHOI0408_cns

    I can see that our team has reached back out to you letting you know that the status of your payment account is now active! If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to reach back out.

  • LucLuc Member Posts: 5

    Walmart Rewards Mastercard is not connected to Wave anymore.
    You are probably aware but I though I would let you know and see if there is a time frame for fixing this issue

  • labprincesslabprincess Member Posts: 1

    I am unable to upload my bank statement. Wave says that it is only capable to upload only 500kB and my bank statment is over 1000 kB. Any suggestions? I really don't need to last two pages. I can only think I would have to scan part of my statement and then upload from there. Is there an easier way?

  • GeoffDayGeoffDay Member Posts: 1

    I am following the usual process of uploading CSV file from my bank however transactions are not displaying? This is the first time this has happened, however would appreciate knowing why and how I can get them to display for reconciling purposes.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Luc
    I would recommend reaching out to our support team and filing a ticket as they will be able to escalate this to Plaid, our third party data aggregator, to potentially get more info about this bank connection.

    Hi @labprincess
    We usually recommend keeping your uploads somewhat small. I know that a lot of users might download their entire years history, however if you're able to only download your CSV's in individual months that would be ideal. Check out this article for more info on troubleshooting your CSV upload if you haven't already

    Hi @GeoffDay
    I've seen instances where Some CSV's that get downloaded from the bank will work fine, but then suddenly another month you download might not work. This is very difficult to diagnose, however I've also seen some users download them in different formats (or convert the format using excel/google spreadsheets). I've also seen some users simply re-download their CSV document and upload it again which has worked in the past. Is it possible that there are some unique characters (I.e @#$%^&), or date formatting in your document that might be causing an issue with this upload?

  • MindplayMindplay Member Posts: 14 ✭✭✭

    What is the "Imported Transaction Page"?
    From :
    After you upload the file, Wave will add the transactions in the file to the Imported Transactions page. Learn more.

  • TarynTaryn Member Posts: 3

    I have been experiencing a problem when I was importing the bank statements into Wave since last week.
    I was trying to import transactions from 15 December 2020 until 11 January 2021 but it kept on bringing in transactions from November 2020.
    I have tried to get help from support but have only been getting automated replies.
    Can you please advise what I can do.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mindplay , I can't access that page as I believe it comes from your personal account, but I think this is referring to the Wave Transactions page (Accounting > Transactions) as this is where your transactions are imported to.

    @Taryn It sounds like you may have the dates written in a different format which could be affecting how transactions are recorded when they're pulled in. I'd advise trying to use Wave Connect as it will verify your information (including any and all dates) before you upload your info.

    edited January 19, 2021
  • MindplayMindplay Member Posts: 14 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mindplay , I can't access that page as I believe it comes from your personal account, but I think this is referring to the Wave Transactions page (Accounting > Transactions) as this is where your transactions are imported to.

    Well, that's the point, isn't it? The UI (or documentation) shouldn't be referring to pages that cannot be accessed, don't exist, come from another account or are called something else. (This is sometimes called a "bug" and should be fixed.)

  • TarynTaryn Member Posts: 3
    I have been importing the bank statement in ofx format for at least 6 months since last year.
    I have never had a problem before with the date format.
  • NKIMNKIM Member Posts: 2

    I've imported and uploaded a CSV file for a credit card. However, the dollar amounts are opposite values. the spend amounts come up as a deposits and the deposits come as withdrawls. In the CSV file, the spending amounts have negative sign on them.

    What can we do about this? The account is Chase Bank.
    Thank you,

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @NKIM , unless you want to re-upload your transactions via .csv or Wave Connect, you'll have to manually edit them to switch from deposit/withdrawal and vice-versa.

  • JuliJuli Member Posts: 1

    My bank only offers bank statements in PDF format and I am not able to upload this. What can I do?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Juli !

    If you are looking to upload your bank statements but your bank only provides them in PDF format, then I suggest trying to use a third party PDF to CSV file convertor. A lot of our users have experienced success with the converter below:

    edited April 28, 2021
  • Matahari2000caMatahari2000ca Member Posts: 1

    Wave cant reconnect to my bank account and I need to know who to call. I need to invoice a banker! lol. is my email address. VMBourne

  • ChristieChristie Member Posts: 1

    I have tried both ofx and qbo imports for a credit card account (bank account works fine), but I only get a message saying "Your transactions are being imported from your bank statement. Please check back in a few minutes." It has been at it for hours and I don't expect it to continue. Any advice?

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