
Error rendering PDF of invoice

PhoenixIPhoenixI Member Posts: 1


I've just set-up an account & sent my first invoice (yay!)

Unfortunately, there is a continual error message 'There was an error rendering your PDF.' whenever I attempt to export the invoice to pdf.

I also ticked the box to send the invoice as a .pdf attachment but that didn't work either.

Is this a known issue?




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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @PhoenixI I'd love to find out if you are attempting this action through Mobile or on the Webapp version of Wave. In any case, could you kindly provide us with a screenshot of the error, so that we can see what we can do to help?

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    MarieTMarieT Member Posts: 3

    Really frustrating, I'm using Chrome and am experiencing the same issue on a Mac. I've used Wave for a long time and have never had this issue (Screen Shot attached) @JordanFromWave

    edited November 27, 2018
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    MarieTMarieT Member Posts: 3

    I found a work around by attempting to print instead it will let me open in preview or save as a PDF from the print screen dialog.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @MarieT. Thanks for letting us know of the workaround, but you should definitely still be able to export the PDF as expected. Perhaps attempting some browser troubleshooting should allow this to work -- could you please try clearing your cached data/cookies and see if that allows you to export the PDF? Thanks!

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    MarieTMarieT Member Posts: 3

    @JamieD Thank you, clearing cached Data/Cookies/images did the trick.

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