CSV file type and uploading Bank Statements into WAVE

RichardM60RichardM60 Member Posts: 2

Hi All,
I have downloaded a bank statement as a CSV file from my bank (Members Equity) and tried to upload into Wave, without success. I have cleared my cache and done a hard reset, as per advice elsewhere. I have tried taking it into Excel as an xlsx file and resaving as both UTF-8 CSV and ordinary CSV. Still no joy! I have three columns and the format is: 30/08/2018,INWARD DIRECT CREDIT,$100.00,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Any help much appreciated. Thanks


  • RichardM60RichardM60 Member Posts: 2

    Just to Add - The error message I get is that Wave doesn't recognise the amount in the file. And I have looked at the help file and tried all the suggestions. Any help much appreciated, Cheers, Richard

    edited November 25, 2018
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @RichardM60. One suggestion I do have is to make the size of the file smaller, as in, splitting up your statement into different sections to see if that allows you to upload the file. If this does not work, please send me a DM with your business name/email .. I may want to try testing the upload on my side.

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