
Recording reccurring expenses

StampManStampMan Member Posts: 6

My business has a number of expenses which automatically reoccur each month on the same date, for the same amount.

Examples of these are Rent (always paid on the 1st, always for the same amount) and Phone Bill (always on the 7th, always the same amount).

Is there are way to record a transaction for these expenses as a recurring transaction? Perhaps it could be set to repeat each week/fortnight/month for a certain number of times, or until a certain date.


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hi again, @StampMan! Glad to see you making the most out of the Community Forums!

    At the moment, adding a recurring expense through a bill is not possible, however, I definitely think that this sort of a feature would be extremely helpful. Your idea of being able to create a a repeating cycle with an end date is very insightful and has been suggested a couple of times before. I will be happy to add this the current feature request along with your suggestions for what the feature could look like.

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    tightywhiteytightywhitey Member Posts: 1

    You have reoccurring invoices but no reoccurring expenses, I see there are 100's if not 1000's of people requesting this feature for more than a year now! Instead of thanking everyone for their insight, I believe its about time you tell them that you will implement the feature or not! If NOT I expect you will lose subscribers by the boatloads. If its something your programmers can't do, it would appear you need new programmers!

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