Can't download PDF reports

lnombikalnombika Member Posts: 2

Hi, my name is Lucky. I have an issue with one of my businesses. Every time I try to download a reports in pdf format, nothing happens, But if I download it as CSV it works fine.
What could be the cause for this? Please help.

Thank You


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi Lucky (@lnombika) - it sounds like you may be having a bit of difficulty exporting the PDF from the reports section based on the type of browser you are using. Just to clarify, Wave is optimized best on Chrome as well as Firefox, if you are using either of those browsers you may need to try clearing your cached data as well as your cookies/perhaps trying an incognito browser would help as well.

  • lnombikalnombika Member Posts: 2

    Hi @JamieD what you said made a lot of sense, I tried but unfortunately it did not work. I even tried to use another PC but still nothing. Thank you for replying.

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