
Regarding the pre paid expenses or pre payments

HidyHidy Member Posts: 2
I have a problem regarding pre paid expenses.As an example if I received a bill worth $250 but I have paid $300 So in the bills they have shown $-50 and again I have received a bill from the same vendor but the accured expense won't a jest with the pre paid expenses. So could you please give me an answer for this


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Hidy. When your mark an overpayment for a bill -- it will show up in the bills section only, we won't add a credit for future bills with that vendor (you will need to manually enter in this calculation in that section). With that being said, this could be something that's implemented in the future, although no immediate plans in doing so.

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    HidyHidy Member Posts: 2
    Thank you for your reply @JamieD
    edited December 4, 2018
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