
Expand filter in account transactions report

chinhousweechinhouswee Member Posts: 7

Hi community,

well what I want wouldn't exactly be in account transactions report but something similar.
What I need is a report where I filtered all transactions to types. In my case, I want to print out all account-to-account transfers from last year.


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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @chinhouswee,

    Transfers aren't an actually category in Wave, so there isn't a specific report you can pull to view these transactions. They aren't actually going against your income statement (as they are transfers of money between your existing accounts and not money actually coming into your business). Nonetheless, if you want to see a list of exclusively these transactions, you can click Accounting > Transactions, then click the "Type" filter, and select "Transfer From", and your Transactions view will show only those transactions. I know this still doesn't allow you to print that information out, but at least this will display it for you to record!

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