How to ensure receipt expenses are not duplicated



  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @ams , thanks for reaching out and for the feedback. We are working on enhancing our bank connections feature to ensure that it recognizes if a transaction exists already in your account, and prevents it from being entered again. This would avoid duplicate transactions and prevent you from having to go through your transactions and merge/delete duplicates as needed, which I know is time consuming. Building out features like this does take time, but we really appreciate your patience!

    I agree that an add receipt button would also be a huge game changer, I am not sure if this is on our current roadmap, but I will pass the suggestion along to our product team and as always your feedback is greatly appreciated! :smile:

  • 459consulting459consulting Member Posts: 2
    I'm a consultant with a number of clients that require to me to attend off site functions. Each offsite function I attend I create a liability account and include all my expenses. I can see over the year what each function has cost and bill the client correctly. I started to use my corporate credit card and now expenses come in under that account. I saw i can merge transactions, was hoping I could merge the credit card one to the manually entered one but I see I cannot. How can I keep track of expenses for each client per function I attend and use my corp card and keep an overall picture of my liquidity without duplicate transactions?
  • francois12ukfrancois12uk Member Posts: 16
    Having 2 transactions in Wave for the same one transaction, one automatically generated and the other by downloading the receipt, I merged the two as instructed. All good. Except that now I can't see or access the receipt I downloaded. How can I view the receipt after merging (where the automatic entry overrides the downloaded one)?
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @459consulting . You can only merge transactions that have the exact same details. This includes the amount, date, as well as account. It sounds like your transactions might be associated to different accounts due to the created liability account, and then the liability account associated to your Credit Card. If this is the case, just change the account on one of the transactions so that it matches, and then try merging them again.

    Hey @francois12uk . Normally the transaction with the receipt does take precedence, although there are situations where this isn't the case. What was the nature of the transaction that did take precedence? Did it happen to have numerous line items? Was it a Bill payment? Either way, moving forward the best way to correct this would be to re-upload the receipt again so you can have it in the system.

  • francois12ukfrancois12uk Member Posts: 16
    Well I discovered that if you select the one with the receipt first, and then the bank transaction one, and then merge, it slects the receipt one - so far that's worked. I demerged the one in question, followed my own order and indeed it worked, this time the one with the receipt overrode.

    A related question: in the case of invoices paid by bank transfer, the system automatically looks for the invoice number to allocate it, whereas a separate entry with payment also exists. When merging the two (since there was only 1 invoice and 1 payment) if you select the one with the invoice number allocated, you then cannot assign that income to a particular Income Account. If you choose the one with the with the income account that's fine, but then in invoices all of a sudden the invoice shows as unpaid. How can I allocate an invoice to both the invoice number it refers to and to the income account I want it to be allocated to?
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @francois12uk . When you create a product/service, you subsequently select the Income Account that you want it associated to. This means that when a payment is applied to an invoice, there's no need to manually apply it to the Income Account as it's already being done naturally when payment is applied.

  • francois12ukfrancois12uk Member Posts: 16

    Mmm. I see. I created an invoice and typed a product in the invoice (as a description rather than as a product category), I didn't create "the product" first and then the invoice. That means your system only works if you create a product first. Now that I know that I can live with it - I only wish that this had been made clearer in your instructions on how to create an invoice.

  • HCSHCS Member Posts: 3
    Will Wave be adding the ability to just add a receipt to a transaction? That would seriously simplify this process - then once an expense posts from your bank, you could just hit "Add Receipt" on the transaction itself and upload the receipt image.
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @HCS We still don't have any immediate plans of adding this particular feature in Wave, although, it could be potentially added to a roadmap in the future. Appreciate the feedback that you've provided us here, and when/if we do have plans to implement something like this, we will be sure to let our users know.

  • HappyCruisers66HappyCruisers66 Member Posts: 1

    There is no option in my wave to merge these transactions.......I am wondering if I should be switching to Quikbooks

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @HappyCruisers66 Are you able to send us a screenshot of the issue as you see it? Provided that the transaction created by the receipt upload and the transaction imported to Wave are in the same amount and are assigned the same bank account, the option should appear to merge.

  • evanbovieevanbovie Member Posts: 1

    Hey @JamieD, I also think adding a receipt to an existing transaction would solve a big pain point for me. Since this is one of the primary features I was looking to get out of Wave, I think I'll need to look for another accounting solution. Could you please ping me if this feature is added to the roadmap?

  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @evanbovie, thank you for sharing your feedback on this. I'm afraid that due to sheer number of Wave users, it is not possible for us to ping individual users with updates on when a feature is added to the roadmap. With this being said though, I can certainly understand your need for adding receipts to existing transactions. While I cannot promise that such a feature will be a part of Wave in the future, I also cannot rule out the possibility.

    edited July 30, 2019
  • CoachyzCoachyz Member Posts: 1

    Could you please help here ?
    25/02/2019: creation of an invoice. Amount 300 Euros
    15/07/2019: payment with credit card through Wave. Amount 295.55. Transaction created automatically in Wave and impossible to change.
    22/07/2019: Automatic transaction through bank connexion. Amount 294.53.

    When trying to merge the transactions, it's impossible.
    What should I do to keep one transaction ?

  • ExechfmExechfm Member Posts: 2

    Along the same lines is there any way to merge three items? For example, when traveling I use Uber to get to/from airport and hotel, then I tip the driver in the app. The bank card makes it two bank transactions and I get one total receipt from Uber. Do I just delete the bank card transactions and save the posted receipt payment?

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @Coachyz Interesting, you should be able to merge those duplicate transactions! Are they the exact same amount? You would only be able to merge them if they are for the exact same amount. If for some reason merging is causing you trouble, you can delete the bank imported transaction. Merging is ideal but making sure you only have one record of the transaction is the priority.

    @Exechfm If your bank logs the payment and tip as two separate expenses, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to merge these expense together as one. In this case, I would actually recommend keeping your bank imported transactions and not posting your total uber receipt payment (as it's ideal for your bank statement to match what's recorded in Wave)!

  • ExechfmExechfm Member Posts: 2

    @ckeen_1244 Ok...thought it could be something along those lines. Thanks for the advice on which to keep.

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @Exechfm Always happy to help! :)

  • milenvkmilenvk Member Posts: 1

    Quite useless as a manual process given that Wave could simply automatically merge the two transactions based on date, total and merchant. Not exactly in the spirit of Wave which otherwise strives to make life easier.

    edited November 20, 2019
  • ExpendigoExpendigo Member Posts: 1

    Question, when I upload my receipts, I am able to merge. The problem is that when I go to the transactions page, and I click on the line item, I do not see any receipt attached to the expense. When I used, I was able to attach receipts to the line item, and when I downloaded my reports, all I had to do was click on any expense line item, and the receipt for that item would simply pop up. I guess my question is: Does Wave attach images of receipts to transaction line items?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Expendigo

    At this point, when you upload a receipt, it creates a transaction. If your bank imports the same transaction you should be able to just merge these two. When you view the original transaction it should still contain the receipt, but I usually tell people to just delete the bank imported transaction, and keep their receipt, as the image is still available. I know that our accounting team is looking into future image attachments to your transactions, but there is no ETA for when that will be implemented.

  • abbeyJayeabbeyJaye Member Posts: 1

    Interestingly enough, the day before this article was posted/updated, I started seeing duplicate transactions appearing. The issue seemed to resolve itself, but the transactions are still there. And I don't use receipts... Hmm....

  • IACUserIACUser Member Posts: 3

    Hi @BarsinA
    when we upload receipts is there any way we can enter a reference number of the receipt?
    Also if we export CSV files of for example certain expense class is there any function we can costomise our report colums

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @abbeyJaye . Any idea where they came from? In the meantime, you can delete any duplicates that you're seeing to balance out your books.

    @IACUser When you upload a receipt, it creates a corresponding transaction. You can add the reference number to the corresponding created transaction under the Transactions page.

    In regards to the .csv function, I'm afraid when exporting, the file you get is the only one we can export as there's currently no customizability available for exporting.

  • IACUserIACUser Member Posts: 3

    Can U please specify! i have attached a screen shot! i cudnt find any place whre i can enter the receipt reference number!

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @IACUser! The 'notes' section of the transaction is where you'd want to enter the number! You could also add it to the description if you wish so when you complete a search it will surface this transaction.

  • IACUserIACUser Member Posts: 3

    Thank you @EmmaP . If i enter it in notes will it be possible to export it to CSV with the notes

  • RJ_AdminRJ_Admin Member Posts: 1

    There must be an easier way than manually merging every receipt. Am I missing something? Can this be automated?

  • alch88vdetalch88vdet Member Posts: 4

    How are vouchers normally connected (referenced) to a row in the accounting? Thank you

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @IACUser the notes will export with the transaction if you are exporting transactions through the Settings > Data Export method although these notes will not appear in the Report exports.

    @RJ_Admin That would be the way to do it as there's no way to automate this process. My question to further understand your business needs is why do you choose to upload receipts into Wave if your bank is importing these transactions into Wave already? Do you find that it makes reconciliation easier, or does your accountant perhaps request the receipt images? Let me know!

    @alch88vdet Can you give me your use case? How are you using a voucher and where are you using it in Wave? Is this a Bill or an Invoice?

    edited January 30, 2020
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