
can't connect payments

ptypeuxptypeux Member Posts: 6

Hi. I contacted customer support and got an autoresponse telling me to use the community forum. I don't think it's the right place but here I am, desperately trying to get a human's attention.

I have two companies in my account. I have two Stripe accounts, one per company. I connected my first company to Stripe, no problem. I now accept payments.

I went to set up the second company with the other Stripe account. It didn't even ask me to log into Stripe. It choked right away, it said it couldn't add payments to this company, and to contact customer support to help me get set up. I'm stuck. Can't do anything without customer support rescuing me.

I contacted support, it told me to post here, and here is possibly NOT the right place for this. My email and account are under _. You should be able to find that plus hopefully my trouble ticket... and perhaps respond privately. Or here! Just respond.


edited December 6, 2018 in Technical Support


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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ptypeux, I'm so sorry to hear the trouble you've experienced in getting setup for your 2nd business. I think the issue you are experiencing with your second company is due to it having a US address and billing in US currency. At the moment Wave is only able to directly integrate Stripe for non-North American companies. In this case, you could onboard with our Payments by Wave function, if you would like to process directly through us (which looks like it was successfully setup yesterday, but let me know if I'm wrong).

    Because you were already running another Stripe account for this business and processing payments, there is still a way to integrate it into Wave via our third-party integration with Zapier. As automation software, Zapier will allow you to continue to use Stripe, but pull the details into your Wave business profile for accounting. You can find out more here: https://zapier.com/apps/wave/integrations. I hope this helps!

    P.S. I've removed the email you included from your post just to protect your privacy.

    edited December 6, 2018
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    ptypeuxptypeux Member Posts: 6

    Something changed. It let my Italian company connect to Stripe. It didn't let the USA company connect to Stripe. It made it "apply" to take payments. Is there some way to push the USA company to connect to Stripe? Thanks.

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    ptypeuxptypeux Member Posts: 6

    No wait, it's worse.

    My Italian Wave account is somehow linked to my American Stripe account. When I say disconnect, it doesn't really disconnect. Because when I click to take payments again, it doesn't make me re-auth Stripe. That's not good. That's not a real disconnect.

    My American Wave account says nothing about connecting Stripe.

    So I'm lost and both of these are wrong. Thanks.

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @ptypeux Within Wave, the currency and home country that you have selected will determine if you can connect Stripe to your Wave account or not. It sounds as though your first business may be set up with USD and as a US business. If this is the case, then this is why you are not able to connect your Stripe account. If the other business is set up with currency and home countries that don't match, or are outside of Canada or the US, then it will default to Stripe, as Wave cannot provide payment processing in these cases.

    It sounds as though you have connected the American Stripe account to the Italian business. If this is the case, then you can disconnect the incorrect Stripe account by navigating to Settings> Payments and reconnect the appropriate one.

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    ptypeuxptypeux Member Posts: 6

    OK so if I'm getting this:

    USA biz won't connect to Stripe because I process through you.

    Italian biz can connect to Stripe. But it accidentally connected at some point to my USA Stripe account and not my Italian Stripe account. Thanks for disconnecting it in my account. I was able to now connect it correctly.

    New question: Can I invoice people in multiple currencies and let Stripe sort it out? This is for the Italian company processing directly through Stripe. Can I invoice someone say in British Pounds, have Stripe charge them in pounds, and then end up with Euros?


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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @ptypeux, at this time, the Wave-Stripe integration will only allow for your home currency to be invoiced. However, I can certainly bring this up to the team as a suggestion!

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