How to add a product or service



  • ClaireMClaireM Member Posts: 1

    @EmmaP Is it possible to archive products you no longer sell? I tried to deselect the "sell this" checkbox, but it's required to have either "sell this" or "buy this" ticked.

    I would also like to reiterate ConnorM's request that updating a product not update the product's prices retroactively. It would be helpful to track my product prices over time and be able to discern customers' price sensitivity for different products.

  • DavidolivierDavidolivier Member Posts: 3

    Im having trouble upgrading to new pricing on the product and services, I find that it's changing the existing and past invoices... Is there a way to edit the product and services wording as well as pricing without having to create a complete new service? Its going to be really confusing to see all the services and product under the TAB but with different pricing and slightly different wording and having to spend time choosing all the correct one from now on.
    Can you help with this? There must be an option that the products and services changes only changes NEW and future invoices not past?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @ClaireM

    An item that has previously used on an invoice cannot be archived or hidden unfortunately. I think THIS THREAD may be somewhere you can get a bit more answers with regards to your request.

    Hi @Davidolivier

    Changing the names and prices of an item should not change your items on previously sent out invoices. Only on ones to come. Is this a recurring invoice you're speaking about? I just tried this in my test account and changed an item on an overdue invoice marked as sent, but nothing has changed on the majority of my invoices. Can you explain your steps on what you did to mark a change on all invoices?

    Have you considered just changing the amount from the invoice rather than from the products/services page?

  • tobaniyitobaniyi Member Posts: 1

    There are some cases where a single product has several attributes. For instance, I may sell a shirt that has three sizes (S/M/L) and I have 2 Smalls in Blue, 1 Small in White, 3 Mediums in Grey and so on. How can I create a single product that allows create bills and invoices easily without having to create multiple products

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @tobaniyi! Unfortunately, this would not currently be possible to do without creating multiple products within Wave at present. Product variants are not supported. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here!

  • KccoolKccool Member Posts: 7

    Trying to delete a line on an invoice that I am creating. The charge was in error. Delete button not working!

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Kccool! I'm sorry to hear that! Can you let me know a little more about the browser that you're using, and attach a screenshot of this error? Would love to try to help.

  • KccoolKccool Member Posts: 7

    Connor, thanks for the reply. I reloaded WAVE in Safari and it worked fine!

  • OzdownunderOzdownunder Member Posts: 4

    How can I edit a product or even delete it?

    Thanks in advance

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi there @Ozdownunder , thanks for your message! You can edit or delete products in Sales > Products & Services > click the pencil icon to edit, or, > click the trash can icon to delete. You won't be able to delete items which are currently on invoices; so if you need to do, you'd need to delete the item from the invoice first!

  • vhmh2005vhmh2005 Member Posts: 4

    I'm moving my data from older Wave to the newer one. In the older Wave version, I was able to select an asset as Expense account. But I couldn't in the new one. There's a work around in the new version. I could create a bill and change the expense category after adding an item line. In the older Wave, I wouldn't need to do this because the expense category was correct.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @vhmh2005 , when we created the new Wave software we fixed some accounting issues that we were unaware of when the original software was built. My question for you would be what is your workflow for wanting to select an asset as an expense account? There may be a better way to handle this so let me know.

  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Not understanding when and why you would use the "Buy This" option. Very unclear - more guidance would be appreciated.

  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Would shipping be a buy-sell since you are adding shipping?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Derek , you would use the "buy this" function when you're buying products from a vendor and recording them in your Bills in Wave.

  • Country_KitchenCountry_Kitchen Member Posts: 1

    Can you arrange the product list into categories rather than an A-Z list? For example we sell different types of baked goods, so it would be handy to have them in categories: cakes, flapjacks, traybakes etc particularly if you have to list the different sizes as separate products.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Country_Kitchen ! I'm afraid this functionality is not supported in Wave at this time. To be completely transparent, it does not look like this feature will be implemented in the near future. With that being said, this does not mean that we are dismissing your feedback as this feature may be revisited/reevaluated in the future. Thanks for taking the time and bringing this to our attention.

  • DuceDuce Member Posts: 1

    How do we set this up for subscriptions? If I want to offer a "monthly retainer" product, can we set up recurrence and auto-bill? I can do this through Stripe, but would prefer to do it directly in Wave.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Duce , you can set up a recurring invoice for your products and services although we don't have a recurring bill product at the moment. To get around this, you can duplicate the bill every month to save yourself a bit of time!

  • Grace_DGrace_D Member Posts: 4

    I hope shortcut keys are included in articles (ex. tab (next field), space (tick box), type first letter of account then arrows up/down then enter); I couldn't find the one for save :neutral:

  • WhiteoaksranchWhiteoaksranch Member Posts: 4

    If you can not see a visible description field you can not sub categorize a main entry field. This should not be that difficult to add to the program.

  • GreatValueWebsitesGreatValueWebsites Member Posts: 5

    I would like a breakdown of income by product / service we provide and have not been able to find out how to do this. Can you please help?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GreatValueWebsites , because we don't support inventory tracking, we also don't have any sort of additional reporting for products and services in the software.

  • Ben_EM_CEEBen_EM_CEE Member Posts: 1

    Hello, In a Distribution scenario (Buy & Resell), is it possible to have a different "sell" price (income account: sales ) and "purchase" price (Expense Account Purchases - resale) on the same item? Thanks, Ben

    edited March 29, 2021
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ben_EM_CEE !

    It sounds like you are looking to keep track of your cost of goods sold (COGS). What you can do is create a COGS expense account to track the expenses you incurred for the product you are looking to resell. Next, you'll want to record your product under Sales > Products & Services at your desired value and assign it an income account. Then, when you want to record the sale of your product, you will need to include it as an item line on an invoice. When the invoice is "Paid" the income will be allocated to your product's income account.

    Please note that I'm not an accountant so I suggest reaching out to a professional CPA to ensure you get the most accurate advice.

  • EARTHeimEARTHeim Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way to sell digital products? As in, when the customer pays, they automatically get the digital product download?

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @EARTHeim,

    I'm afraid that Wave doesn't offer this functionality at the moment. That said, this is a great feature idea, and you should know that our Development Team are always looking through our Community forum for ideas suggested by users!

  • skiplightphilskiplightphil Member Posts: 3

    How can i remove a product that is no longer needed but is associated with previous invoices.

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