
Consolidated financial statements

umairbinhabibumairbinhabib Member Posts: 5

Hello, is there any feature which can consolidate financials from multiple companies?


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    GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

    YES!!!!!!!!!! Please for the love of God. Because WAVE doesn't have sub-accounts, I have to have a separate account for each property. Plus another one for the normal LLC expenses outside of property management. To get a true 'annual report', i have to export each account to excel & play with excel to develop this crude looking report. I feel like i should be able to do it with a single button. PLEASE FIX.

    Even if you did add sub accounts, I already have it set up this way using separate accounts and it would be just as much of a pain to consolidate & fix the COA.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @umairbinhabib, at the moment there isn't a way to multiple companies in one consolidated form without generating another business profile into which you entered the relevant financial details from each of your individual companies. Because Wave wasn't originally setup for this usage however, it could definitely get a little messy.

    @GoodAccounting thank you for your input as well. I definitely agree this limitation in terms of multi-business (or project) management is frustrating for a lot of our users who would very much like to see this implemented. We may have submitted a feature request on your behalf already, but it can't hurt to submit another now (actually two in this case).

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