Cash & Cash Equivalent and Cash only Report Types

JudeJude Member Posts: 10

When i run report using cash & cash equivalent or cash only report type, the report is displayed in 2 lines e.g. a transaction for $2000 credit was displayed as 2 transactions - $1961.08 and $38.92. However when the report type accrual is selected the report is displayed correctly in 1 line as $2000. Has anyone experienced this and how can this be corrected or is it the way wave displays reports for cash & cash equivalent report types.


  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hey @Jude, would you be able to attach a screenshot of what you are seeing? I have a hunch that this may be related to how Wave reports income from invoices, but it would be helpful to take a look at the actual example before moving forward.

  • JudeJude Member Posts: 10

    Thanks for the feedback. Find attached a screen-shot of a the report i am seeing.

  • JudeJude Member Posts: 10

    Hello Erik, I just realised that what may be causing the split reporting is because i split the payments. When I pay the total invoice amount without splitting the report comes out in one line as desired. However, i am experiencing a new problem as i am unable to remove payments from invoices. I will appreciate your assistance to check this out.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Jude. If you could please send me a DM with your business name and email address, I would be happy to further investigate what's going on with your account -- I may require collaborative access as well.

  • JudeJude Member Posts: 10

    Hi Jamie, I was able to find a walk around so i am able to make the corrections. Everything is working fine now and thanks for your help!

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