
Send multiple invoices to a customer in one email?

alistairmalistairm Member Posts: 2

Hi there,

Just wondering if there's a way to select multiple invoices and send them to the same customer all in one email, rather than as individual ones?


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @alistairm. As of right now, there isn't a way to send multiple invoices to the same customer in one email -- each invoice is an individual entity and should be treated as such (aka being sent out separately). This could be something that we look at in the future, but in order to have that discussion with product, we would need a bit of a better idea on why having multiple invoices sent to one email (to one customer) would be beneficial for your business. Let me know when you get a chance!

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    alistairmalistairm Member Posts: 2

    Hi Jamie, thanks for getting back to me.
    I have a couple of agency clients who I freelance for, working on various jobs for their different clients. I have to invoice for each client separately, according to their accounting system. Thus, after a week of working with them on six different jobs, I end up having to send out six different invoices- which clogs their email inbox and makes it more likely for one to slip through the cracks.
    It would be great if there was an option to select several draft invoices and send them as a batch to the one agency client.

    Does that make sense?

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    mahoutmahout Member Posts: 13


    It'd be a pain, but when you go to send an invoice, you can choose an external email souce. If you do this, you'll get a link to the invoice... just gather them all up.

    > To view and pay this invoice online, please visit: https://link.waveapps.com/XxXxXx

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    DaBleemDaBleem Member Posts: 1

    Also interested in this feature. As a marketing agency, I send an invoice for each project and may send 6-8 invoices per client each month. I hate to bombard their email inbox with my invoices. It would be nice to attach them as a multi-page PDF they can download once and print.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @alistairm + @DaBleem . Take a look at what @mahout wrote above as this is a good workaround for what you're looking to accomplish until the feature itself is implemented. Thanks for your feedback on this!

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    ShelbyShelby Member Posts: 2

    I'm working with a client, designing multiple locations for is retail company. I opted to create one client --> the company, so that I can see the total paid vs outstanding in one shot. I then use the PO to distinguish which location each invoice is for.

    It would be good if the PO section worked like a drop down to link to "a project" or if there was an additional option for this to link invoices under one client to a specific topic/use/location/etc.

    Since, we have 3-4 locations running simultaneously at any given time, some invoice due dates line up, while others are due over time in instalments and so it would be beneficial to select several invoices off the account (but not a full account statement) that are due simultaneously so that the client is getting 2-3-4-5 emails about invoices.

    Also, on the Sales --> Invoices Page, can you add a column for PO's so it's easy to see that information right off the bat.

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