GST Invoice

lazzlazz Member Posts: 1

Hey guys,

I've added GST 10% to my accounts.

Invoice client is $500 inc gst

Price: $454.55
GST 10: $45.46 (but should show as $45.45)
= $500.01 should be $500

Anyone know why this is rounding up?

Thanks in advance.


  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @lazz When it comes to tax rounding at Wave, this process is completed on a line-item level. What this means is that each product line will calculate the tax, round to 2 decimal places, then do the next product line. At the end, it will add up all the line item tax calculations and plug that in as a total tax in your invoice. Unfortunately, there is no way around that in our software at this time.

    As a potential temporary workaround, feel free to add/discount item for $0.01 to charge the right amount and mark it as an adjustment entry for the time being.

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