
Disable the little green success banners

tcollingtcolling Member Posts: 5

Every time I confirm a transaction, my work flow is briefly interrupted by a little green "award" banner that says that I successfully confirmed the transaction.
How can I make those stop appearing and slowing me down?



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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hi @tcolling Thanks for your feedback on the confirmation screen that appears after completing selected actions. This screen is used to confirm that the action that you have done has been completed successfully. I understand that this is likely slowing down your workflow and am happy to pass this feedback along to our Product Development Team. Curious to hear from you if there an ideal way that you think we could still show confirmation and allow you to continue working?

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    tcollingtcolling Member Posts: 5

    Thank you but I don't need that confirmation.

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