$0.00 showing up on PNL report multiple times

GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

I have a few accounts. This isn't the only account that does this, but this is a report I need to send to my CPA, and it's bothersome. This screenshot is from the PNL Report. The $0.00 line items (line 3 and 5) did have income received, but that income was either refunded or transferred a loan principal, so is not income. I can't remove the 0.00 from the PNL, so this is obviously a glitch. Can you guys fix it?


edited December 25, 2018 in Technical Support


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @GoodAccounting Within Wave, if an income account has any action within it, then it will appear on the Profit and Loss. In this case, the actions result in a $0 total, however, the total is not the only information of importance. The transactions within it leading to the $0 balance is just as important. For this reason, the Accounts will still show up on your Profit and Loss, as they should, because the actions need to be accounted for within your business bookkeeping.

  • GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

    I have other income/expense line items that have activity that end with $0.00 balances, but do not show up on the PNL. So not entirely sure where the issue is. In regards to the position that these zero balances should show up on the PNL, I disagree. I've never seen a line item on a PNL show a zero balance before WAVE. It makes it appear messy. If you want to see activity for zero balance accounts, you view the general ledger.

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