
Attach image to deposit

BSAMichaelBSAMichael Member Posts: 1

Hello, I'm brand new to Wave, but love what I've seen so far. I was able to use the mobile app to take photos of receipts and then upload them to our new account. That process worked great for our purchases! Now I would like to do the same with our deposits. Is there a way to take a photo of a deposit statement and attach that photo to the deposit transaction?


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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BSAMichael, glad to hear you're enjoying Wave so far! Currently, the image attachment only works for expense tracking your receipts, rather than your deposit transactions. However, we're working towards having more robust attachment tools within the transactions page in the near future, so keep an eye out for changes in the near future!

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