
Discussion List

  • Is there a way to 1. accept a customer deposit before creating an invoice? 2. then issue a receipt for the deposit received? I accept a retainer prior to starting work. I want to be able to track the money in Wave, and issue a receipt for the deposit received. At a later date when I eventually create an invoice, I can then pay the invoice using t…
    LadyLaw 231 views 4 comments Most recent by AGK April 21, 2022 7:27PMUsing Wave
    Hired a new employee last Monday Aug 3 on Aug 7 and entered the hours however, wave wouldn't count those hours when i ran payroll. it only counted the following week which makes the gross income and tax deductions year to date incorrect. How do i fix that? I continued to pay him via other payment since it was "too late" to pay direct d…
    JER 1 view 0 comments Started by JER August 15, 2020 1:40AM Payroll & Employees Feature Ideas
  • I was just wondering where I would put a bank loan in the accounts? And for the monthly repayments too, where should I put that? The same thing for a grant given by the government. Thanks in advance!
    Kadthulas2004 141 views 5 comments Most recent by MerlinAccounts_UK March 25, 2019 1:04PMAccounting Technical Support
  • Hello, I'm brand new to Wave, but love what I've seen so far. I was able to use the mobile app to take photos of receipts and then upload them to our new account. That process worked great for our purchases! Now I would like to do the same with our deposits. Is there a way to take a photo of a deposit statement and attach that photo to the dep…
    BSAMichael 41 views 1 comment Most recent by Ryan_W December 31, 2018 7:43PMSales & Invoicing Feature Ideas
  • The developers of Wave Receipts have limited the app, either by design or error, to expenses only, however not all receipts received are expenditure. Every time you make a cash deposit to your bank account, either over the counter or at the ATM, the bank issues a receipt, which is actually a credit. It would be very handy to be able to scan this …
    atelierfinezze 41 views 4 comments Most recent by StackpoleEnterprise October 25, 2018 11:49PMWave Features