
Why do we enter Tax manually and why is it awkward to enter? Streamline it please

RamKRamK Member Posts: 1

When I add a Receipt that has tax in it, I upload it via the android app then go to the computer to edit it. Why do we have to go through the boring:
Select the tax Control Box (BTW: very tight and small)
Go to the tax input-box.
Select the 0.00
Deleting the 0.00
then add the tax amount.

SUGGESTION: Can't it be as follows:
tax Control is off by default but Tax is already calculated from our default tax setup.
If the receipt has HST or tax, we select to include the tax or even edit it _****_and the magic of coding happens.
Select Tax control.
cursor will directly highlight the 0.00 so that you can type tax amount directly without having to delete the 0.00

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