
Feature Request: Search Transactions

GoronGoron Member Posts: 1

I searched the forum and was surprised I didn't see this as a result. I had asked about it before, but wanted to formally present it as a feature request.

I can't imagine we are the only company that needs to go back and search for transactions -- with keywords -- to be able to find a specific receipt? As it stands now, we have to upload receipts here AND upload any receipts we might have to look at again later to Evernote. Say, to see what we paid for a certain part in the past, looking at receipts from a supplier for a time period.

There may be a way to do this and I'm just not seeing this?



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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Goron once you approve and post your receipts from Purchases > Receipts in Wave, they'll appear in your Transactions page. Once they're in there, you can click the Search option in the top right corner of the Transactions page, and search by description to pull up specific expense transactions. I hope that helps!

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    PierreDVPierreDV Member Posts: 11

    Hi @Ryan_W it is the a great solution, but after the upgrade not all receipts show up when I click on the transaction details

    "Nov 29, 2018 J GEY VAN PITTIUS SIRLOWRY'S PA FNB Card - Zane R59.09"
    "From Bank Import: Imported on 2018-12-05 11:50:56"

    The above is available from transactions and were merged with the following receipt:
    "done 2018-11-29 J Gey van Pittius Cost of Goods (Sales) FNB Card - Zane ios R59.09"

    But the merge is not visible nor can I view the receipt from the merged transaction like we used to.

    This makes it very difficult (actually impossible) to track if all receipts for expenses were uploaded and linked.

    I would appreciate feedback as re-uploading 2 years of receipts is impossible with the amount of transactions.

    Thanks Pierre

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    SammyHSammyH Member Posts: 12 admin

    Hi @PierreDV , thanks for following up! All your past Receipts should still be visible under Purchases > Receipts.

    If you're ok with it, can you attach a screenshot of what you're seeing so we can help see what's happening?

    edited January 18, 2019
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