
Merge Accounts under Chart of Accounts

CorieCorie Member Posts: 3

Hi All,
When I first started wave, I made a mistake of importing some transactions into the wrong account. Ie: a liability account (credit card) rather than a cash and bank account. Fortunately, these imports are all expenses and nothing else so it didn't affect things until I look at my trial balance report at year end. However, now that I have about a thousand of transactions, it'll be very time consuming for me to change them manually. Is there a way to highlight them all and change them to the correct account? Ie change from Credit card to Cash and Bank. Presently, you can only change the category from the "Edit" button after highlighting multiple transactions. Thanks.


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    springdalerocksspringdalerocks Member Posts: 13

    Corie, I am new at WAVE so take this suggestion with at least a grain of salt: how straightforward is it to identify the relevant transactions? Is it possible you could go ahead do a full transaction download (see settings in way lower left sidebar) , and then identify/upload again only the transactions you want to put in the cash and bank account? (You will still have to eliminate the old, incorrectly placed ones, of course.)

    If that's too messy, do you have/can you still get CSV file/s of these transactions, so you could upload some or all to the proper account from the CSVs and then batch-delete the wrong/old transactions? Adding a character in the description (**) so you can tell which is old and which is new might help; account info in the entry will also make it possible to tell which is old/new.

    If i were doing this, I would look to match the number of transactions to trash and to upload, and sum/total each to make sure they matched.

    In "all transactions" mode, compare old to adjacent new transaction and check off same-category transactions for as much bulk recategorization or sales tax assignment as possible. For split transactions I so far do not know an easy bulk fix -- but $ amounts of splits could be noted in the description field before uploading the new bunch of transactions (probably slightly easier to do that than clicking into each old transaction and then adding info to new).

    I hope somebody with a better command of this helps you soon -- but I've been thinking about this since you posted and still see no responses.

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    springdalerocksspringdalerocks Member Posts: 13

    Corie, an easier way seems to be this:
    on the reconciliation page of your credit card/bank account containingthe transactions you want to move, the upper right corner allows export of transactions. First make sure you have an account created of the type in which you want to put these incorrectly located transactions. Next you can check/select all you want to move and export this group of transactions as a CSV (comma separated value) file that you name with the date and intended destination in the file name, Delete or temporarily recategorize the selected transactions that are still in the wrong account, and upload the downloaded/exported CSV file, now to the correct account.

    TO first do some double checking that what has occurred is correct, it might work to create a uniquely named dummy category/categories, recategorizethe checked-off transactions to the new category names and hold onto them till you verify all is well. (I have had to abort an upload and redoa couple times when I forgot to make sure the figures were a debit or credit) You can check the number of transactions you downloaded, total them, and compare number and total to what is you recategorized.

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    CorieCorie Member Posts: 3

    Thank you!! I didn't think of this.

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