
Connecting Bank Accounts - Balances Import but not transactions

Uncanny_KimUncanny_Kim Member Posts: 1


I've read a few threads about this issue, but none seem to have the answer.

I have created a new wave account.
Yesterday I connected my bank account (AIB) & all the transactions came over perfectly. The balance was correct. However, as a first time user, I messed everything up & deleted the transactions to try & create a fresh start on Wave, then deleted the bank account connections. I also managed to have the accounts sync & show in the credit cards & loans account section instead of under cash & bank.

Upon trying to reconnect the Bank account today, I am getting the following issues on trying to connect & sync 2 accounts from AIB (www.aib.ie) :

  • Every time the bank balance for both accounts comes across & is perfect.
  • Only transactions for my savings account are coming through in the sync/connection.
  • My current account balance is correct, but the transactions are not appearing at all.
  1. I am using the same log in details as yesterday
  2. I have cleared my browser cache
  3. I have tried a hard reset by re-inputting my bank log in details more than 7 times
  4. I have deleted the bank connections & re-connected them
  5. I tried creating a new wave account under an alternate email & tried connecting the bank accounts. I still get the same results as above.

I'm just wondering if there is anything else i can try to have the statements download upon sync again?

Thanks in advance


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    GilFernandezGilFernandez Member Posts: 2

    I see it is almost a year since you posted your problem. I am having the same problem. I am giving up on Wave Accounting

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GilFernandez . Just to confirm, where exactly are your balances being updated? Are they being updated in your Connected Accounts page, or is this happening under the account names in the Transactions page?

    Let me know so we can further troubleshoot this for you.

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