Customer or Transaction (Business)

Hi! Wave newbie here.
On any given week, I have multiple customers--some recurring, some one-time service users. I'm going to set up my repeat customers as a CUSTOMER, but what about my one-timers? Should I create a CUSTOMER sale for them or make a transaction only?
To give you an example:
In a 5 day work week, I can have up to 25+ customers with possibly 6 of them being a repeat customer. Do I set up the other 19 individually as customers? Or should I just do them as a transaction and category them correctly?
Thank you for your time!
@Tish518 Ideally you set up each one as a customer in case they come back or you want to send them an invoice or an estimate at some point in the future. Also, in case you ever want to run a report by customer in the Reports section of Wave. But I understand that sometimes speed is king and so your back up route can work too.