
Enter dates for transactions

StevemStevem Member Posts: 5

At the moment the system for selecting a range of dates has many unnecessary steps. It could take two or, if it is a repeat, only one. I am finding that when entering bank transactions for example (where it is not possible to link to the bank) you have to select the year, then bring the calendar up then select the start date and then confirm. Now if the end date is earlier than the start date (which it could be is you are correcting and editing transactions left out) then the start date will default tot he beginning of the year and you will have to adjust the end date first. If you get it wrong you will enter the default dates without necessary noticing. I suggest the Quickbooks method which achieves this in 2 steps.


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    KirkKirk Member Posts: 25 admin

    @Stevem I will absolutely bring this forward to the design / UX team. What you describe is far from ideal...I agree. Thanks for the feedback.

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