I verified my receipt and now I can't edit it

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageI verified my receipt and now I can't edit it

When you verify a receipt, you're telling Wave "This is the final version – everything is correct." If you find you need to change some information, here's how to do it.
When you first i...

Read the full story here

edited January 19, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • strike771377strike771377 Member Posts: 1

    I accidentally left my currency as AUD when I verified. I followed these steps but didn't see the currency as an option to change from selecting in the transactions screen. I need to change it to USD. Also, how do I make the default USD?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @strike771377. There isn't a way to alter the currency after a receipt has been processed in Wave. With that said, when you are uploading the receipts it should default to your business currency which is in USD -- could you please confirm (with screenshots if possible) what happens when you upload a receipt and show what currency displays?

  • amsams Member Posts: 3

    This doesn't seem to actually change the data on the receipt, only on the transaction. I did a test where I changed a price on a transaction, then went back to the receipt. The transaction had the new price, but the receipt still showed the original price.

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @ams. It is not possible to change the data on the invoice itself, you're correct, it is a picture upload of a receipt. You can however edit the info on the transaction itself because that has been generated in Wave and by Wave.

  • KWCNITKWCNIT Member Posts: 2
    For a scanned receipt where the OCR read a weight instead of a $ amount: I modified a transaction but the value in Reports has not been corrected. Why?
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @KWCNIT . The Receipts page lists transactions based on when they were approved into the system. Because of this, updating the transaction itself doesn't change what shows up in the Receipts page. The Receipts page is only really supposed to be a reference point for when you imported your receipts, therefore your accounting balances are based off of strictly what is in your Transactions page. This means that the lack of change in the Receipts page has no affect on your bookkeeping whatsoever.

  • KWCNITKWCNIT Member Posts: 2

    Perhaps I was not clear.
    I photographed the receipt and approved it initially without double checking the amount. Reviewing to get an overview of spending, I noted an unusually high amount (over 6000 when about max 500 was expected). I identified a transaction with the associated receipt where the OCR had taken a weight instead of the dollar value. So, I opened the transaction and edited the value for this entry (with associated receipt). Now the transaction entry shows the correct value (19.50) instead of the incorrect value (about 5400).
    But when I return to the reports, the total value for this category still shows over 6000, rather than actual 332 (the sum of the 11 transactions).
    Is there anything that can be done to force the recalculation of the totals to correct this in the reports?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @KWCNIT, that does sound strange. I think we may need to take a deeper look at your account to see what the issue is here. I am going to follow up with you via DM!

  • MuskitoMuskito Member Posts: 4

    We have team members uploading receipts without dates, I Would like to modify those receipts but can't do it from the "Receipts" category on the left menu.
    I Tried going over to the "Accounting - Transactions" in order to modify these transactions but i can't find them!
    Also, the total account summary does not include those receipts, it's like they're not taken into account.... Help please...

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    hey there @Muskito

    Unfortunately once you've posted a receipt to Wave accounting it cannot be edited :(

    My apologies for this inconvenience, however it will need to be re-uploaded again in order to have the details changed. Have a great weekend!

  • MuskitoMuskito Member Posts: 4

    I Read in Katie's post Here that you have to go to "Transactions" on the left menu and then you can edit those receipts.
    However, as i mentioned - the receipts without dates are not appearing there.
    I Can't ask my board members to re-scan their receipts...it will cause them to point in different direction....

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Muskito . When you import a receipt into Wave, it creates a corresponding transaction which is sent to your accounting. Wave tracks all of your balances based on the transactions that exist, and you can in fact change the Transaction information that was added from the receipt even though the receipt information will not change.

    You mention receipts without dates. Usually, if a receipt doesn't have a date, it will automatically default to the date it's being uploaded.

    Are you still seeing Receipts that are in "Done" that don't have a date?

  • MuskitoMuskito Member Posts: 4

    Hey @AlexL , Thanks for the answer, The way you described how things are supposed to work, perfectly suits me.
    HOWEVER, There seems to be a bug, that Receipts without dates (which still exists) DOESN'T CREATE The corresponding transactions. That's exactly my issue.
    I Don't mind changing the transactions, it's just that I Don't have them! Help...

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Muskito, just to gather some further details here, how are you uploading the receipts? Are you using the receipts app to upload them or another method? If you are using a phone, can you try these initial troubleshooting steps, and then try to upload the receipts again to see if they work:

    • Log out and back into the app.
    • Ensure that you've turned on permissions from the settings menu of your device.
    • Uninstall and reinstall the app on your device.
    • Restart your device.

    If you are using another method, let us know and we would be happy to dig into this a little further.

  • MuskitoMuskito Member Posts: 4

    Hi @EmmaP,
    Yes, We're uploading these receipts thru the mobile app, these specific ones (without dates) were uploaded thru different iOS devices (We have few users) and they all produced the same issue.
    I can't ask those board members to upload it again, but let me be clear again about the issue, since i believe it is server side and not client side issue:
    1. The receipts were uploaded successfully and they are visible online thru the receipts option in the menu.
    2. For receipts without dates (ONLY FOR THOSE), the system did not create the corresponding transactions under the "Accounting - Transactions" section in the menu.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Muskito . Can you send me a direct message so we can dig into this further for you? In your DM, please include some examples of Receipts that didn't post to Accounting and the dates they were processed and uploaded. I want to dig into this on the back end to see what's showing up.

  • OmrifarbOmrifarb Member Posts: 1

    Hello @Muskito ,
    It seems that it is impossible to edit the receipt file (for example change it) that is attached to a transaction after it has been uploaded....
    can you advise if this is possible in any way?

  • user20191102user20191102 Member Posts: 1

    There is no functionality to change currency? Why is this feature not in the Transactions panel and only the receipts panel at the time of upload? And how come you cannot add a vendor to a receipt at the time of uploading it? It seems you can only add a vendor in the transactions panel? This is very frustrating as I want a break down of expenses from particular merchants and I want the currency to match as well. Lastly, how come filter by merchant does not exist when looking at your expenses?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Omrifarb . That's correct. You're only able to change the actual transaction associated with it. As your accounting is based off the transaction itself, I wouldn't worry too much about changing the receipt file, when it's the transaction that holds the most weight in your account.

    @user20191102 The currency is based on the account that the transaction is located in. If your transaction is located in a USD account, then the currency of the transaction would be in USD.
    In regards to the attaching vendors, this is functionality that although exists in Wave has not been built out to where we'd like it to be. It exists currently as a first step, and we're hoping that in time we can make it a much more robust feature. At the moment it's definitely limited.

    edited November 4, 2019
  • ZenAwayZenAway Member Posts: 1

    Hi there, I am a property manager and have a need to categorize/tag receipts for every homeowner client. There are expenses that get charged back to our clients, not operational expenses. Is there a way to tag or categorize receipts in this manner?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ZenAway , I'm afraid that Wave doesn't support property management accounting at the moment so these types of tags wouldn't be available in the system.

    If you wanted to account for these properties separately, we do have a few users who create a different business in Wave for every property to represent all of their different numbers accurately. This way all you have to do at the end of the day is add the information together.

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