Review your accounts for accuracy

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageReview your accounts for accuracy

Bank reconciliation is the final step to ensuring that your records in Wave are accurate and match your business records outside of Wave. 
Access bank reconciliation under Accounting > Bank Reco...

Read the full story here

edited January 24, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • ashleyjennings1ashleyjennings1 Member Posts: 6

    I am very stressed out. I can't reconcile. I have been requesting help for 2 weeks. Nobody is available to help . I have paid thousands of dollars over 100k in debt. I am supposed to receive recouped expenses but don't know how that transpires. I didn't even make a penny this tax year but keep on paying out without help. I'm at the end of my rope. Don't know where to go from here.

    Ashley Jennings

  • shancdnshancdn Member Posts: 3

    It'd be great if we could choose a reconciliation date for Credit Cards being those statements do not follow a calendar month the way bank statements do.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @ashleyjennings1 I'm happy to further assist you here in terms of reconciling your account. Have you gone through your bank statements transaction by transaction to see if what's been entered into Wave matches up with what's on the bank statement themselves?

  • ashleyjennings1ashleyjennings1 Member Posts: 6
    Yes. I have been requesting help for 2 months. Nobody responded. I printed what I had and submitted it to the company who is doing my taxes for me. Thank you.
  • ashleyjennings1ashleyjennings1 Member Posts: 6
    Not happy with your company's customer service. Sorry
  • AmandaKAmandaK Member Posts: 73 admin

    @ashleyjennings1 I'm sorry to hear about all the stress that reconciliation is causing you and for the delay in response. As the director of the customer service team at Wave, I wanted to address your comment about our customer service and make sure you're getting the support you need. I see that you mentioned back in January that you've been requesting help for 2 weeks and that nobody was available to help. Can you clarify how you tried to reach out to our customer service team? I don't see any 2019 messages from either of your 2 Wave accounts in our support system, so I'm concerned that we never received your message. I can definitely understand why you'd be frustrated not hearing back from us. Would you be comfortable with a senior member of my support team temporarily adding themselves as a view-only collaborator on your account so we can take a closer look at what's happening with your reconciliation?

    @mathiesb I absolutely understand your frustration, especially given that you were so diligent about reconciling your accounts on our old accounting platform. Our development team is currently in the process of determining the best solution for this (the issue has largely been caused by unverified transactions on the old platform), but in the meantime, would you be okay with a senior member of my support team temporarily adding themselves as a view-only collaborator on your account so we can take a closer look at what's happening?

    edited February 13, 2019
  • ashleyjennings1ashleyjennings1 Member Posts: 6
    Thank you for contacting me but it's too late. I know I entered everything accurately so I contacted someone from Hilton Tax Consulting and she told me to just print off everything and file it as I entered it.

    I tried calling and sent emails. Your customer service is not up to standards. I have been trying to get hold of someone since the beginning of December maybe even November. Several months ago, apparently two accounts were somehow set up for me. Without my knowledge when I went into my account, everything I entered for 7 months disappeared. When i called customer support at Wave, they tried to retrieve my information. Over several days, they were able to emelgamate the accounts. I fixed it myself because it wasn't accurate. I had to redo everything.
    I am presently using Wave but looking into other resources for better customer service.
    I shouldn't have to wait weeks to get help.
    I don't need a senior representative to help at this time. Thank you.

    My income tax has been filed. Don't worry about it now.

    Thank you for your time.

    Ashley Jennings
  • ashleyjennings1ashleyjennings1 Member Posts: 6
    Oh by the way, I even tried the chat line but waited for a very long time. Someone who was online said it would be quicker to call because of the amount of people waiting. Gee that helped.
  • AmandaKAmandaK Member Posts: 73 admin

    @ashleyjennings1 Glad to hear that you found the support you needed and were able to get your taxes filed. I agree completely that you shouldn't have to wait weeks for a response from our support team and I'm sorry that we fell short of your expectations. Tax season is the busiest time of the year for our support team so often our response times are longer than we'd like, but we recently expanded our support team to address this and are excited to be able to get back to our customers sooner.

    edited February 15, 2019
  • ashleyjennings1ashleyjennings1 Member Posts: 6
    Glad to hear.
  • MariposaMariposa Member Posts: 1

    I'm having an issue that I can't find a response to. I'm in the process of reconciling my credit card. I have a large debt on it that continues to roll over into the next month. My issue is that the difference on the far right always reflects my ending balance. I don't have a wave balance. Everything matches, yet it stays in red and I can't reconcile.
    What can I do?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mariposa , so you're entering in your statement balance, but you don't have anything appearing under the Wave balance? Are you adding your transactions under this account and selecting the appropriate end date?

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