
Statements filtered by tax types

jjrecortjjrecort Member Posts: 1

Hello There!
I just started with Wave.
To fill out our taxes we need to breakdown the income and the expenses by tax type,
i.e. all the income at 4,5%, all the income at 1% all income with no tax
or total amount of sales at 4,5% tax, all expensed at 1%, etc

There is any way to do that with Wave?

Note: also in Europe is mandatory to include costumer's tax ID number on the invoices.
Costumer records need a TAX ID field!

Thanks for a great platform!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @jjrecort.

    This isn't something you can do in Wave, but there's a few workarounds that may work for you. First of all, you do have access to the Sales Tax report on the Reports page, which will give you the amounts you owe for various different taxes. You can click on any of the taxes on that page to see all transactions linked to that tax. It might give you the information you need. If that isn't enough, I'd recommend making new accounts in your Chart of Accounts for items sold under different taxes to make it easier to sort. As of now, there is no way to sort transactions by tax.

    For the Tax ID field, it isn't a widespread requirement for our users, which is why it isn't a field natively available in your invoices. However, we do have space in the invoice's footer for you to add that kind of information.

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