
Save custom reports

Rusticus du PreezRusticus du Preez Member Posts: 7

Every time I want to have a look at the Income Statement for the tax year I am working on, I have to manually set the dates for the report to generate.
Is there a way to save a report under a custom name so that I don't have to manually 'create' a report?


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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Rusticus du Preez unfortunately not at the moment, but we may have a possible workaround. You can export any report as a PDF with the parameters you've set initially. If you click the button in the top right of the report page after you've generated the report in question, you could pull a PDF which would also save you from needing to click back into reports each time you wanted to compare.

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    Rusticus du PreezRusticus du Preez Member Posts: 7

    Thanks, I'll give it a try :)

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