
Cash Payment without invoice

a_n_almutawaaa_n_almutawaa Member Posts: 4

At our small business from home we are selling products directly without invoices. And customers pay on cash. Can we just record a cash payment without generating an invoice?


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    whistlingdixywhistlingdixy Member Posts: 3

    Just create a sales transaction

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    a_n_almutawaaa_n_almutawaa Member Posts: 4

    @whistlingdixy said:
    Just create a sales transaction

    Thank you very much for your cooperation. Could you please inform me the steps, because under "Sales" there is nothing called "Transaction".

    Do you mean under Accounting->Transactions I need to add an income?

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    whistlingdixywhistlingdixy Member Posts: 3

    Yes, accounting - transactions - add icome and record your income as a sale there.

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