New transactions page overview



  • LanessaLanessa Member Posts: 5

    @EmmaP said:
    Hey @Lanessa! If you click the 'filter' icon on the transactions page, you can filter for the: category, status, types or dates of transactions. You can also search for a transaction description. Can you let me know why searching by amount or description previously was useful to you? I'd be happy to pass on feedback to our team.

    • Aren't FILTER and SORT two different features? The FILTER feature is fine but aside from that I also want to be able to SORT transactions so that I can view them based on amounts (from largest to smallest) or descriptions. This allows me to quickly merge receipts with their corresponding bank transactions whenever I upload a bank statement. Running a search every time I want to merge is tedious, at least for me.
    edited November 13, 2019
  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi Tom @tegwilym! I see, thanks for getting back to me with those details. It's great you were able to catch the fraudulent transactions! I'm afraid it looks like this is something that might have changed on PayPals end. The best bet here would be to reconcile your PayPal account against your PayPal statement to locate any missing, duplicate or potential fraudulent transactions in your account. You can do this as often as you need. Most people will do this on a monthly frequency but you can do this more often if you prefer. This Wave guide on reconciling your accounts should help!

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Lanessa! I see, thanks for following up with your feedback on this. I can see how this was beneficial to your workflow previously! You aren't the only one that has enquired about the searching by amounts feature being removed. Once we have everyone moved to the new version of Wave, the priority of our teams is going to be looking at the feedback we have received to see if there are features we need to implement or re-visit. Thanks again for sharing this with us.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @tegwilym! Just caught up with one of my integrations specialists, and they're letting me know that we've confirmed nothing's changed on our end. Looks like this is a change in the way that PayPal sends us this data. I'm sorry about this inconvenience! As a long shot, you might want to raise this with PayPal support to see if they can help at all!

  • MartaPMartaP Member Posts: 14

    Hi, I just wanted to leave a small feedback. There are some new nice features in the new upgraded transactions interface. However, to post a transaction or a bank statement manually it takes much more time now then before. At least for me. The previous transaction interface was more like a database so you could quickly put and sort the transactions out. Now you need to do lots of clicking before you post a transaction. It looks more messy. This is just my opinion!

  • AnarkiaAnarkia Member Posts: 1

    Hi! Any way we can sort the transactions by amount? This was very useful in the previous version to find duplicates between receipts and transactions and merge them. Please bring this back!!!

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @MartaP! Thanks again for sharing your feedback! Your opinion is important to us and I'd be happy to pass this along to our team :)

    Hey @Anarkia! From the transactions page, we do not have a filter to sort by amount, but you can use the search tool in the top right corner to search for specific amounts. This should help to look up any duplicate entries.

  • karwaingkarwaing Member Posts: 1

    How are Wave Payment transactions treated in the new version? It looks like extra entries are created. In the old version I would have an entry for the Invoice payment, an entry for the wave payments fee categorized under "Merchant Account Fees", and I would manually delete the auto-imported "WAVE SV9T MSP" entry. Now I am confused how I should proceed with the new version; it looks like there is a new Payments by Wave account?

  • rtench1rtench1 Member Posts: 2

    The new version works very well. Once wave receives a payment, it is credited in "payments by Wave" . Click the transaction button, and you will find these entries under Money in transit. Once Wave pays the payment, it will create a new transaction that attaches to your bank entry.
    So, you will see 3 transactions, the invoice payment, then 2 days later the transfer to your checking account, then the bank entry deposit.
    You will find that your bank account is now always in balance, you do not have to account for the invoices shown but not yet paid by Wave.

  • readygoproreadygopro Member Posts: 1

    It says invoice paid but when I go to check details it says contact wave. any ideas.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @readygopro . Which page in Wave are you getting a message to contact Wave? Also, which business are you in as I notice you have a few listed.

  • EmuGriffEmuGriff Member Posts: 2

    In my self employed business I regularly pay transactions from my private funds and assign these to my equity account. I have some transactions in the equity account, but the equity account and the transactions it contains do not appear on the transactions page. Neither does the equity account appear in the drop down list.

    How can I view and edit any transactions in my equity account if they don't appear on the transaction page?

  • tylertervoorentylertervooren Member Posts: 5

    I gave the new transactions page a few months to grow on me before giving feedback, but after several months getting used to it... it's just awful unfortunately. The speed has clearly been improved by engineering (which is much appreciated), but the new UI is oh-so-bad. Every workflow takes twice as long or longer now.

    Want to add a new customer? Used to be able to open a modal window, enter the name, hit save and it was applied to the transaction. Wonderful! Now, a new page is opened where you have to save your info, close that page, refresh the transactions page and re-open the transaction to apply the customer. 10x as long to complete.

    Want to create a transfer? Use to be able to select two transactions and just hit a button. Done! Now you have to open one of the transactions, select transfer as the category and try to match it up with the corresponding transaction's description which is often gobbledygook imported from the financial institution. You can't see the amounts of the transactions you're selecting, so you still have to go scroll through your transactions to find the right gobbledygook to select. And it's even harder now because the screen is split in half, so you get half the info available before the field is truncated.

    Finally, the new "save" button... why? Why are selections not just autosaved when they are made? That's how it was before and worked beautifully. Now you have to take an action to prevent loss of work. WHY!?

    The UI team added tons of clicks where clicks never existed before. Was there any user testing done before rolling this out? Shouldn't design be headed the opposite direction?

    edited February 6, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @EmuGriff , can you explain to me how these are being recorded in Wave if they're not appearing in the Transactions page? Screenshots would help too!

    Hi @tylertervooren , your time spent in the system is much appreciated and we value your feedback as well as your use case in regards to each of these functions. Although I can't comment on why these changes were made, I'd be more than happy to pass your feedback along to the Product team. Thanks again!

  • AnthonyPAnthonyP Member Posts: 1

    is there anyway to mass add vendors within the transaction page? For example I have 100 transactions that I imported to the transaction page and I want to group them to a single vendor, there no way to do that in the old version.
    Is it possible to do that in the new version?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @AnthonyP

    Unfortunately although we do have a bulk actions tool, assigning several transactions to a specific vendor is not one of those bulk actions that can be done in Wave. These would need to be done individually.

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