
Invoice Emails Showing up as Promotions

upwardccupwardcc Member Posts: 1

Hi all,
Many of my invoices are going unseen/ignored by clients because of Gmail's sorting feature. They are being categorized as Promotions, and since many people don't check that as often, it is resulting in delayed payments. How do I help my clients and help myself? Is there any setting I can change so these emails are seen as Primary?



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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @upwardcc, great question! There isn't a way to do this directly in Wave as it requires some intervention on the customer's end. They can either add your email and waveapps as contacts/trusted domains, which will ensure those emails always go to primary, or move the email over from promotional to primary. Gmail should then learn that emails from that source are to be directed to the primary inbox going forward. Unfortunately because it's gmail's internal systems that flag our emails as promotional, there isn't a way to intervene in how they are sorted once they leave our server.

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