
Custom Reports

glargoglargo Member Posts: 3
Hello, I am just began to use Wave and I really like it. The option to link a transaction with the customer is very usefull specially for finance controlling purpose.
Currently, I loaded almost two years of transactional information and link each transaction with the related customer and account. When I ran the Income by Customer report. I receive that, the gross amount that I received from them, but I would like to know the net income by customer (Income - Cost of Goods) and another important thing frecuently I have recurrent customers so I would like to identify the transactions by project and get a report by project. There are a way to do it?


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @glargo. Thanks again for your feedback here! I truly appreciate that. For the Income by Customer report, it should only calculate the Net Pay of what is recorded in Wave (so what the customer actually paid you) -- I would be happy to look into this further if the customer report is showing incorrect data (perhaps a screenshot would help here)?

    As for the report by project.. it's not something that we can currently track in Wave. One workaround is that if you created separate income accounts for those specific project (make sure that the income account is linked to the products & services you create for the projects) you would be able to track the amount made in the Profits & Loss report.

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