
Restrict access for staff

chrisjenkinschrisjenkins Member Posts: 1

I want to give access to a colleague to do invoices... but don't really want to give access to bills and reports.

Is it possible to restrict access?



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    James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey Chris,

    Right now Wave has three sets of permissions for collaborators:

    -View only

    -View and edit

    -View, edit, and send

    In each , bills and reports will be viewable by the collaborator. It's not currently possible to restrict permissions to some pages but not others. An exception here is payroll, you can add a collaborator to payroll specifically, and not to the other pages in Wave, and vice versa.

    edited February 5, 2018
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    ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @chrisjenkins What does your business sales cycle and back-office management look like? Do you have someone helping with getting estimates and invoices out the door and marking collected payments? Do you then handle bookkeeping and the expenses side of the business yourself? Are you looking to restrict the visibility of your business' performance, not only via reports, but also areas like the dashboard?

    By better understanding your business flows, we can learn and adjust our software over time to be more suitable to your needs.

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    jahydejahyde Member Posts: 5

    @Mani, your questions match my needs 100%. I want employees to do entries on the sales side, but I dont want them pulling reports and viewing bank accounts...

    Permissions is a feature I asked for in 2013, and was forced to use another product, I was hoping after 5 years there would be some maturity in this area (it was promised to be on the roadmap), but I see it is the same old Wave. This is disappointing as the majority of professional accounting packages have at least basic functionality to restrict certain modules in different ways, ie AR vs AP vs GL.

    It seems Wave is limiting its user base to the loan freelancer that does not do very much volume, once my volume has exceeded my abilities and I start hiring staff I have out-grown wave.

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    obronieobronie Member Posts: 2

    I have also been asking for this feature. From a business perspective it would make sense for Wave to add this because more people with payroll and bigger transactions would make use of wave to generate an income for them. The development cost of this feature will pay itself within a few months!

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    FMSFMS Member Posts: 1

    I agree! I need my administrative assistant to have the ability to handle invoicing only and not be able to pull reports / make transactions / etc. I'm at the point where I'm going to need to move another system if this isn't added in the near future.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for adding your voices to this, @obronie and @FMS!

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    RonyRony Member Posts: 7

    Is there any chance to expect this pages restricted user access in near future ?

    I am also in need of this feature urgently. Wave is ok in the beginning but I believed any company as they grow will need this feature to divide the work in employees

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Rony.

    Building this feature isn't on our roadmap right now. I can't make any promises or give timelines, but I can tell you that we are listening, and we want nothing more than to make the lives of our users a bit smoother.

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    TravieTravie Member Posts: 1

    Hi @Alexia

    You say its not on the roadmap right now, but if people have been asking since 2013. It should be.

    Myself I also want to grow my business with e-waste. I am adding staff on to help with the collecting of goods, however, they have to use a pen and paper of what was collected and then have me enter the details into the system so I can invoice a customer.

    I started using this as it was mobile, I could go to someone's house, collect the goods, and invoice them there and then. They make payment on Square with there card and invoice sent to there email. Currently, I have to do manual payment or they pay directly into my bank account.

    Now I'm just one person. How many other people would be holding back using this service because we can not restrict staff into area's we don't want them.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Travie Thanks for your feedback regarding your particular situation. We understand that having the ability to create user access restrictions in Wave is important for some of our brave entrepreneurs. With that said, the feature requested is highly visible and we will be working on implementing something in the future that will allow for this. We, unfortunately, can't set expectations or timelines for releasing new features as there is a lot that goes into developing these, and simply put, do not want to let down our users when we can't execute on a timeline that we laid out.

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    jrollinsjrollins Member Posts: 4

    Another permission set for collaborators is needed asap!!! As a one-man shop, the permissions that you have in place are great. When you start adding a sales force, for example, you don't want them looking at transactions and running financial reports.

    From a sales force perspective, you only want them to have access to the following areas:
    -Recurring Invoices
    -Customer Statements

    I'm trying to figure out a workaround for your system's lack of limitation, and the only thing that I can think of is to have the sales force send me the quoted information so that I can enter it into Wave and then send it back the sales rep and/or customer.

    I appreciate all of the progress that the Wave team has made to simplify this software, but you are missing the mark if you cannot restrict access to certain areas.

    Please advise.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @jrollins. Thanks again for giving us your detailed feedback here. We're hoping to have more customization to user access in the future, but full transparency -- we are focusing our attention elsewhere on the product as of right now (in terms of improving reconciliation, a viable workaround for moving business transactions to personal, and recurring billing). With that said, this could be on our radar for the future, but we don't have any immediate plans as of just yet.

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    hdmalithhdmalith Member Posts: 2

    Need bit more control over permissions. We too want to set up a front desk person invoicing rights only, but the system dont allow such a limitation. Much needed feature when businesses grow.
    Hope this will be implemented soon.
    @jrollins exactly what I need too.

    edited November 5, 2019
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    KimblesnbitsKimblesnbits Member Posts: 1

    This function is the only thing keeping me from using wave. Please update so we can have more restricted access. I have employees working for me that I would only like to have access to invoicing and sales. No reports, banking info, or accounting. Please please please make updates. @JamieD

    edited May 12, 2020
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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    We still don't have any update on improving user permissions I'm afraid @Kimblesnbits. I appreciate your patience on waiting for this, and as soon as we have an update we will be sure to let everyone know in this thread.

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    tyhoppytyhoppy Member Posts: 6

    It looks like this has been an ongoing request, and I'm looking for the same functionality.

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    BoulevardAutoBoulevardAuto Member Posts: 2

    Same problem..............Same here.....Same waiting.........I don't want EVERYONE in my organization seeing the dashboard. Seriously....name a price. I love 99% of Wave

    edited March 25, 2022
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    BoulevardAutoBoulevardAuto Member Posts: 2


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