
Profit and loss statements display in graph

johkjohk Member Posts: 3

Is it possible to have say a profit and loss report shown in a Graph as well?
I know there is a graph on the dashboard but it is quite ‘rough’. It would be great to be able to display a graph for the extent of profit and loss custom period with also the profit and loss values shown on a set interval.

I hope the above make sense.



  • Options
    johkjohk Member Posts: 3

    The interval can be changed depending on the date range of the report.

    For example if you generate a report that is say 2 years you might only want the profit and loss shown for every second month. But if you generate a report that is for 2 month you might want to see the profit and loss for every week. The best solution would be if this can be customised ie the user can themselves set the interval on when they want to see the profit and loss.


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