
AWS + Wave Integration

rtarsonrtarson Member Posts: 2

It would be pretty rad to integrate wave with Amazon Web Service. So when the month ends I can bill our manual controlled businesses a lot easier. Also to keep track of our expenses as well!


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @rtarson Sounds like you have a pretty good idea on how this would benefit your business. Thanks for giving us a bit of the detail here, but we would like to know more! The more feedback you provide (with your workflow etc) the more of an idea we can get on how to best help you with an integration like this, or provide you with a viable workaround.

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    rtarsonrtarson Member Posts: 2

    @JamieD I can further elaborate. We have both our clients and our business both running with a few amazon AWS products right now. Such as S3, EC2, Route53. Everymonth we get billed by Amazon AWS after the months total has come in (usually varies in cost). It would be ideal to maybe have a way to integrate wave so that it pulls that data from AWS and drops it into the account expenses.

    Currently programming a website that does all the automation and customers can create instances on there own. Right now I work hand on hand with customers for there needs. Sooo that being said it would be great (not needed) to have invoices auto send when the AWS billing cycle ends to the organization it is set too in AWS.

    Just being able to track expenses automatically however would be nice. So really just requesting wave to pull that info.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    @rtarson Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

    While I get this would be a very useful integration, it's not really realistic for Wave to start building out integrations to a long-list of third party tools to consume information into Wave. This is why our chosen approach is to create and make available a public API so that Wave customers can connect the tools they value directly, and to also to enable an ecosystem of specialist integrators to build and market their own integrations and connectors to Wave.

    So, I don't foresee Wave building a direct integration to AWS in the way you suggest. However,
    I can totally see us having the available endpoints to enable this integration, and a third party developer offering an app in a future Wave integration marketplace that will do what you require.

    Sounds like you have the technical skills... if you fancy building such an app, send me a DM and let's discuss further!

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