Invoice numbering



  • IrishIrish Member Posts: 19

    PS This is a refund received from a supplier, not a refund given to a customer.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Irish

    If you've created a bill and marked it as paid, it should show up as an expense in your account. Once you receive the refund, you'll see an income transaction return to the account which it was paid from.

    Categorize that money in (green transaction) as a refund for a bill. See my image below!

    Hopefully this image points you in the right direction for refunding your bill. The same would go for an invoice, but the reverse of course.

  • WaveUser001WaveUser001 Member Posts: 1

    We've got a deposit covering two invoices that has come through bank feed.
    We already SPLIT the deposit into the correct matching dollar amounts for the invoices. But I cannot MERGE the invoice-payment entries with the split deposit. I tried selecting one invoice or both invoices along with the deposit, and no matter what the merge button is turned off. How do I perform the required MERGE of the 2 invoices with 1 deposit?

    P.S. Merge didn't work before the split, either. Because it would be 3 transactions or because amount didn't match when selecting only 2 transactions.

    edited September 28, 2019
  • IrishIrish Member Posts: 19

    Hi Barsin. Thanks for that. I have also found that if I put in a Bill with a Negative amount it works and it deducts it off the Acc Payable list as it should - so that seems to work for me. The Credit may or may not be associated with another Bill but as long as it is taking it off Payables its fine.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @WaveUser001 . You can't merge an invoice payment with a split deposit. The best workaround for this would be to head back into the invoice(s), remove the payment (thus also removing the payment transaction), and go into the split deposit and categorize these as Payment received for an invoice in Wave > select the unpaid invoice.

    This will allow these deposits to become the payment, and also mark the invoice as paid.

  • vincevince Member Posts: 2


    One of the things preventing me from adopting Wave is the numbering system for invoices/estimates.

    On my current platform, each customer has an account number - just like wave. Invoice/Estimate numbers are incremented by one - just like wave. The main difference is that each customer has their own counter.

    What that looks like is:
    1) I add a customer with an account number of 3294,
    2) I generate an estimate for customer 3294 and the resulting estimate is automatically 3294-1.
    3) I add a customer with an account number of 3295.
    4) I generate an estimate for customer 3295 and the resulting estimate is 3295-1.
    5 I generate an invoice for customer 3295 and the resulting invoice is 3295-2.
    6) I generate an invoice for customer 3294 and the resulting invoice is 3294-2.

    I don't think this would be much effort to implement, and it seems like others have requested it as well. Add a counter column to each customer, and allow {{customer_account_number}}-{{customer_counter}} to be set as the invoice number.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @vince

    I've moved your post to the invoice numbering thread where there are a couple of page of posts you can refer to.

    It sounds like your case may be a bit unique since what you're looking for is project based invoicing/accounting.

    Wave does not currently offer job or project-based accounting. Our Product Team is always looking for ways to make Wave better and this is a highly requested feature so it's most definitely on our radar for potential future enhancements.

    You also have the option to Open Multiple Businesses within the same Wave account treating each one like a different project. This is another common workaround some of our users do, so you can switch between them with just a few clicks. You could then run reports for each business as needed and manually add the totals but again, Wave is not explicitly designed for this.

    I understand this isn't exactly the answer you were hoping for but nevertheless we appreciate your feedback.

  • vincevince Member Posts: 2

    Hi Barsin,

    I think my post has been misinterpreted unless my understanding of project-based accounting is just that rusty :)

    What I'm proposing is that each customer has an invoice counter that starts at zero and increments by 1. The invoice number on generated invoices is prefixed by the customer number. There is no requirement to have separate reporting, costing, etc. Opening a business for each client and trying to consolidate that into one company isn't plausible. That would be an accounting nightmare.

    These aren't separate business lines/projects, it's all monthly recurring billing for a service under a single brand.

    edited November 4, 2019
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @vince

    Thanks for the clarity. I think a feature in project based accounting versus our transaction based accounting is the ability to sort your invoices into "projects" or "customers" where each invoice would have a unique name and value to it.

    You can however customer your invoice number to your customers. I reread your original post and it sounds like since you're using account numbers you may have more of a difficult time achieving this.

    I know some of our clients may invoice depending on the client or project name:

    BarsinINV1, Barsin INV2, 3, 4, 5 etc
    VinceINV1, VinceINV2,3,4

    However the issue is of course when you invoice BarsinINV3, the following one will be BarsinINV4, however if hypothetically you wanted your next invoice to be to VinceINV5, it would autogenerate to BarsinINV4 instead since it uses the last number in your invoicing.

    Appreciate you reaching out about this feature idea though!

  • aashi_infosystems19aashi_infosystems19 Member Posts: 8

    Now My invoice nos are not in continuation, instead invoices are showing Datewise in ascending order so it is very irksome, latest invoice is at lower side/ datewise
    Let me know how can i correct this

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @aashi_infosystems19

    The invoice/estimate numbering pattern will always increase from the previous sequence you set. For example, if you create an invoice or estimate (let's say 0019) and create another, the digit at the end of the sequence will increase by 1 (0020). If you add letters, the final digit will always increase by one as well (Name 0021, etc.), and letters cannot be customized (i.e. the same letters will carry over in the next invoice).

    Recurring invoices will also follow the sequential order from regular invoices. If you create 5 regular invoices numbered 5-10, the next recurring invoice that generates will be invoice 11. You can edit invoice numbers by navigating to 'Sales > Invoices' and click on the invoice to edit the number in the top right corner. Recurring invoice numbers cannot be edited or customized until the invoice generates as they will automatically generate based on your sequence.

    Please note: when the system generates the next invoice number, it will always take the largest number ever used in the past and increment that by one. For example, if you started with 10000, and then changed it to 0001, the next invoice number will be 10001 (and not 0002).

    Can you give us an example of the invoice generation that you're seeing?

  • aashi_infosystems19aashi_infosystems19 Member Posts: 8

    My problem is different. Previously the invoice nos was in serial , last invoice no was on top date wise, Now after recent update , Invoice Nos in reverse order i.e if today i prepare 10 invoices starting from 301, 302, 303......310, the last invoice is showing at the bottom of that date while erlier last invoice was on top. I have attached screenshot in which invoice no.1434 is on top while 1433 is
    5 lines down, so in this situation searching invoice nos instantly is difficult

  • Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    @aashi_infosystems19 I am experiencing the same issue as you. It's weird how no one at wave seems to be realize something has changed recently with the sequential order of invoices from date of creation. I have spoken to [3] different advisors at wave, no luck so far.

  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @aashi_infosystems19 @Yama_N Sorry to hear that you are both facing issues with the numbering system Wave has on invoices. We aren't able to view the screenshot that was originally attached @aashi_infosystems19 - can you try providing it once more in either a PNG, JPEG or PDF format? As well, @Yama_N, were these Wave Advisors or our Support Specialists? Wave Advisors are great for learning the ins and outs of accounting but our Support team is who you would want to reach out to in regards to any technical issues you may be having. Because this may be a localized issue, I recommend reaching out to us via a support ticket so we can get a closer look at your account. Feel free to followup here once you've submitted one so we can have one of our Specialists reach out!

  • Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    @NicoletteB Thank you so much for advising. I have created a ticket and I have also submitted screenshots. I have included the screenshots here for reference. I order my invoices by date (in descending order). The invoice numbers, however, are in ascending order (which does not make sense and this was never the case for the past 4 years I have been using waveapps). It's becoming a bit of a nuisance now as the data is scrambled up . Thank you for your earlier suggestion. Please stay safe!

  • aashi_infosystems19aashi_infosystems19 Member Posts: 8

    I have same issue as explained by Yama_N in this discussion

  • Kristian_GKristian_G Member Posts: 56 admin

    Hi @Yama_N and @aashi_infosystems19!

    If you would both like to have the highest invoice numbers at the top of the page on the Sales > Invoices page, I would recommend clicking the "Number" header and organizing by highest invoice number to lowest (this may require a few clicks).

    Since, generally speaking, the newest invoices have the highest invoice numbers, the dates column should display the most recent dates, to the oldest as well.

    When you organize by date, the dates are also organized from most recent to oldest, but, as you guys are well aware, the invoice dates will descend from oldest to newest (on that calendar day).

    edited April 14, 2020
  • Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    @Kristian_G @aashi_infosystems19

    Thank you so much for your response. Actually, there was a system technical issue. This issue was resolved as of yesterday. I have included a screen-shot. Ironically I reported this issue back in February of 2020, and it wasn't until Kamala.P got involved that the issue was understood, escalated and solved.

    Have a great day, stay safe out there!!

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